Neighbors Recommend Local Small Businesses; Shop Local & Support Our Community
Who best to give us suggestions to South Cities favorite haunts than locals themselves? We have put the question out and the result is the list below. We will continue to add to it as folks make more recommendations. We whole heartedly encourage folks to support those in our community who support us, especially on the upcoming SATURDAY NOVEMBER 30 2013 SHOP SMALL BUSINESS DAY, a day of national recognition for these shops.
Local’s Favorites:
Buon Gusto Restaurant Grand Ave
224 Grand Ave 742-9777
DiNapoli Restaurant Grand Ave
202 Grand Ave 873-5252
Bertolucci’s Restaurant Cypress Ave
421 Cypress Ave 588-1625
Royal Pin Donuts
551 El Camino Real 952-3955
Gallis Sanitary Bakery
324 Grand Ave 588-2656
Bitters + Bottles on Grand
240 Grand Ave 741-6430
Subculture Deli on Spruce
151 S Spruce 745-6270
1148 Mission Rd 225-9494
724 El Camino Real 589-8916
Andy’s Chinese
Hickey Blvd 994-7681
El Faro! El Camino Real
435 El Camino Real 589-6288
Los Cuates Mexican restaurant
140 Hazelwoood 745-8203
Grocery Outlet on Hickey
125 Hickey Blvd 550-1100
Friends Market
200 San Felipe
172 Starlite St 588-5868
Chefs Warehouse
447 S Canal Street
Busy Baker
444 San Mateo Ave SB 351.7227
La Bouquetiere Railroad Ave
539 Railroad Ave 884-4833
204 Grand Ave 871-0759
Nelly’s Bridal Boutique
439 Linden Ave 616-9226
JasyB Mobile Boutique Woman’s Clothing & Accessories
Tel 415/601-3256 Jasmin Baros
Scentsy Family Products Sales Consultant
Valverde Ave 868-6625
Sunshine Center Pharmacy
1166 Mission Rd 589-4133
Six Star Dollar Store
349 Grand Ave 583-2442
Grand Ave Hardware
315 Grand Ave 583-3367
South City Lumber & Supply
499 Railroad Ave 588-5711
Savvy Social Strategies
Social Media Designer
SSF 931-5006
Evolve Training Center
170 S Spruce Ave 615-9322
SSF Parks & Recreation
33 Arroyo Drive 829-3800
Bronstein Music
363 Grand Ave 588-2502
South City Car Wash
988 El Camino Real 589-1214
Airport Valero
300 S Airport Blvd 583-3251
Doody Calls Pet Services
K-119 Tools of California Inc. – Tools & Equipment
925 San Mateo Ave SB 588-0160
Lilies Care Home
2505 Tipperary Ave 737=0917
Benefits of Shopping Locally Owned Businesses
Civics Economics provided this study The San Francisco Retail Diversity Study which supports the economic reasons for shopping locally owned businesses:
“This study finds that San Francisco remains a stronghold for locally owned businesses, which generate sizable benefits for the city’s economy. The study has three parts. The first calculates market shares for independents and chains in several categories: bookstores, sporting goods stores, toy stores, and casual dining restaurants. In all four categories, independent businesses capture more than half of sales within the city of San Francisco, a much larger share than they have nationally. The second part examines the economic impact of locally owned businesses versus chains. It finds that local businesses buy more goods and services locally and employ more people locally per unit of sales (because they have no headquarters staff elsewhere). Every $1 million spent at local bookstores, for example, creates $321,000 in additional economic activity in the area, including $119,000 in wages paid to local employees. That same $1 million spent at chain bookstores generates only $188,000 in local economic activity, including $71,000 in local wages. The same was true in the other categories. For every $1 million in sales, independent toy stores create 2.22 local jobs, while chains create just 1.31. The final part of the study analyzes the impact of a modest shift in consumer spending. If residents were to redirect just 10 percent of their spending from chains to local businesses, that would generate $192 million in additional economic activity in San Francisco and almost 1,300 new jobs.”
Nuts For Candy
1241 Broadway Ave.
Burlingame, CA 94010
These 2 other small businesses in neighboring cities have been recommended by locals as well.
Bill’s Lock Shop 1710 ‘C’ El Camino, San Bruno, 583-4031 [email protected]
Nuts For Candy 1241 Broadway in Burlingame 343-8758
Thanks Al!
Gunters 1057 El Camino Real 761-1825
And they do have gift certificates!