Keeping South City Clean
Hey heads up on up coming events:
*This SATURDAY May 18th 9-4 there will be an E-Waste Event at the Fire Station # 61 on Canal which is located between Spruce & Linden Avenues. Bring your electronics for safe disposal
*STUDENTS – do you need community hours? Check out the July 20th Event helping with the IRISH GREEN CLEAN UP which is located at Airport and Linden Avenues.
All residents are welcomed to participate in these events put on by the Community Preservation Task Force. This group meets monthly on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at the MSB 33 Arroyo Drive in the Betty Weber Room. The meeting starts at 12noon until 1:30pm. This group is comprised of city staff, business leaders and community volunteers. New folks are always encouraged to join in CPTF where the mission statement is:
To protect the quality of life, property values and the environment for residents and businesses of South San Francisco.”
To volunteer or for inquiries contact Tom Carney (650) 867-5130 or [email protected]
Please share this information with your neighbors. It takes our whole community to keep our city looking good!