What makes YOUR dog so special? Winner recieves Pet Club gift certificate

Is Everything South City going to the dogs?

Well that is the question we put to our FACEBOOK friends after our FB page has received so many lost and found dogs in the past month or two.  It has been an incredible outpouring of love from our 2 legged neighbors as they share our posts and pictures of neighbor’s pets that have taken off.

So we have decided to do a GAME ON and ask you what is it about YOUR DOG that makes it so special? So please comment and let us know what makes your dog so special. You will be automatically entered into our GAME ON drawing.  The winner will receive a gift certificate to Pet Club which by the way, will be opening later this month.

Below our neighbors share why their dog is so special and deserving to win:

Dustin Walsh: Tank, also affectionately known as “Tankers” is a 55-lb, English Bulldog that lives up to every aspect of his name. He lovingly bulldozes through anything that happens to be in his path, wedges himself in spaces that clearly does not have enough room for him, routinely invades your personal space and he still thinks he’s very much a lap dog! Tankers will be turning 8-years old in May and although, he will be 56 years old in doggie years, Tank is still very much as rambunctious and mischievous as when he was a puppy! Tankers loves to go to the dog park to visit with all of the humans (he pays no mind to other dogs) and playing with his squeaky toys but his favorite past time is napping and snuggling with his favorite people–snoring included!!!

Melissa Stieren Scott: What makes my dog special is that he’s mine!

Jeff Kameny: What makes my dog special is that he is not just a dog he is the family protector, he is our third son and my best friend. He can always be counted no matter what and has been a member of our family for 12 years. He is a 70 lb. American Pit Bull and we couldn’t imagine our home without him…..and the best thing he has never learned how to lay so he can always be trusted…lol

 Laurel Moeslein: My dog Georgie is so resilient. He was rescued recently after spending two weeks locked in a cage in someone’s backyard. When he came home to my house he was so happy to be free! He’s got the best attitude of any dog or human you’ll ever meet! Happy to see ya, happy to know ya kinda guy. He went to the dog park on West Orange and a white pit bull almost killed him- grabbed him by the neck and wouldn’t let go. When someone finally pulled the dog off my Georgie he just looked up at the dog, panting and smiling. Didn’t even care that he was bleeding, just so happy to be out in the world. He’s the happiest dog you ever met and he loves his new home in SSF!

Jeannette and her gang

Jeannette and her gang

Jeannette Yesitsnineletters Me and my gang looking for some Pet Club love.

 Karen McEvoy: Our 3 dogs are family members, one is deaf but you would never know it he takes his ques from the other two and if he is sleeping the others will go get him to go bark at the window they have formed a brotherly bond and are very sad if one has to go somewhere without the others, they great us with love and happiness when we get home from being anywhere they provide love without asking for anything in return and just make us so…happy. All 3 are rescue dogs.

 Michele Ferrario Burbano:  Bosco is a 70 lb pit bull..He has had so many medical issues he has a resistant bacteria that will never go away he breaks out with blisters all over his paws. He has never growled, tried to bite the vet’s or vet techs ever. People always say pit bulls are so mean well he has to be the sweetest dog I have ever owned. He was raised with small dogs and he thinks he is a small dog. He has a squeak toy named BABY and he is very concerned when it gets squeaked, when he picks up baby he is so gentle with it so not to hurt it.

Dora Boyd: my kids !!!!!

Chantelle Valdez They come when called.

Veronica Tougher His ability to shred through toys in 10 minutes or less…depending on how tough they are.

 Janice Sozzi Every day I come home from work, my dog always greets me, even after a bad day!

 Gal Bedak: My cat acts like a dog and greets me at the door when I come home and follows me around EVERYWHERE!

 Vicky Vega what makes my doggie so special? Well just look at her! She’s a beautiful pitt, inside and out!

 Kody Staubitz My cat is my dog we go on walks (leash and all) he comes when called very loyal and well behaved. I love him like a son

 Ron Johnson My dog is my child, my son, my baby. I love him so much. I hate to be away from him. It doesn’t matter how long I’m gone.. 5min or a whole day he greets me like I been gone for weeks. Lots of love and kisses from his little tiny chihuahua tongue. And I love it! I couldn’t ask for anything better.

 Stephanie Sullivan My mother’s dog is my hero. Nanna was a rescue but in reality she rescued my mother. After my father died my mother was super sad and there were days she didn’t want to get out of bed. Nanna is her reason to get up out of bed and seize the day. Nanna is always nearby to give my mother extra love when she is sad, or to happily go on a walk with my mother. I am so happy Nanna found us!!!

Sharon Albera Because she almost acts human…

Blake prayed for dog and the perfect match showed up in his front yard.

Blake prayed for dog and the perfect match showed up in his front yard.

Raquel Cordon-Curtis One day my 10 years old son said ” mama I’d like a dog ” I said pray about it son, ask God if you can have one and describe the kind of dog to him so if he wishes to bless you with one he knows what to give you. My son’s prayer, Dear God can I have a dog with a pointy nose, not too big not too small, tan color and with pointy ears…….I heard his prayer! Folks, I’m not kidding, a couple of weeks later, I go out to my car, and in front of my house as I walk out a kid walks up to me, and says excuse me, would you like a dog ? I said what? He continues, you see my grandpa will not let me have this dog, I said I have no money to give you for him, he says it’s ok, he hands me the leash , a small can of dog food and the dog, I stand there with astonishment, as the kid walks away, I look at our new family member, shocked ! Guess what! He has a pointy nose, tan, not too big not too small, and you guessed it, pointy ears! As I walk in the door, I said folks, say hi to our new dog! My son yells out mama! He is exactly what I asked for! We all stared at each other in amazement, silent, suddenly the dog gives one loud howl saying something because it was in different pitches as if he was saying something, which we never ever did hear that howl again ever, he howled then came to each one of us to greet us. It was silent for a while as we stared at this little dog with a smile and goose bumps…….. (true story) he is our buddy and a very special dog.

Princess Presidente

Princess Presidente

Angelique Presidente Our Princess is so special because she is awesome!! Rescued from the PHS, Princess was 5 yrs old. Aims to please and is the baby of our family. We were really sad when our beloved Max passed away last August and we needed a new little friend to make us smile. Princess happily obliged and quickly became the newest Presidente! You need to see her get on her hind legs an twirl, it pretty cool ♥


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