More ways to help victims in the Philippines

South San Francisco, CA                  November 11, 2013

LBC sending free packages to Pasay City

Thanks to Angelique Presidente for letting us know of another local way to help those that have  been devastated by the typhoon in the Philippines.

LBC, 2223 Gellert Blvd, South San Francisco, California
Is Accepting Boxed Donations to be shipped to the Philippines FREE of charge!
Please place blankets, summer clothes, shoes, towels, canned food, toiletries, light jackets, socks in a 24x12x12 box or smaller or purchase a bigger box from LBC for just $3.50/ea.
Label the box to:
Melissa Ann Macarubbo
LBC Hangar General Aviation Center
Domestic Airport Compound Pasay City

Be prepared to fill out the typical shipping paperwork (u can’t just drop and go)

phillippines help donations 2013

Rotary Club joins in with relief help

When a disaster occurs, we watch the news and wish we could help. We CAN help! About every two weeks, a disaster occurs and an organization called ShelterBox delivers lifesaving aid to those affected.

We often take the basics for granted such as a roof over our head or a tap with running water. In the days following a disaster, many are left to cope on their own, forcing survivors to spend their time finding shelter for their family or a means to cook a hot meal and purify water.

Then imagine ShelterBox arrives to provide lifesaving equipment such as a family tent that can withstand harsh temperatures and winds, water purification, a stove, pots and pans, tools, blankets and even a children’s activity pack.

Let’s not wait until we hear about the next disaster in the news to take action. People are living without shelter RIGHT NOW and we can make a difference.

We’ve recruited 5 members out of our recruitment goal of 20 Team members!

– See more at HERE

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