The Mystery of the Little Blue House on Grand Avenue

South San Francisco, CA     November 23, 2013Blue House Grand 11.23.13 Haunted next to Kahn KevilleBlue House Grand 11.23.13 Haunted next to Kahn KevilleBlue House Grand 11.23.13 haunted

So is the little blue house on Grand Avenue, the one next to Kahn and Keville, really haunted? That was the question Cindy Higareda was asking today. “Why is that blue house on Grand next to the tire shop always for rent -is it really haunted ????”

Have you heard any rumors or witnessed anything that gave you the chills perhaps? Whenever a question like this is asked there are bound to be those who respond with legends and we wonder; are they long time legends or just made up in the moment to keep curiosity going. You be the judge.  Here are a few of the responses from our Facebook page this afternoon.

Alexandra Carolina D’Vega I wonder the same thing…whats wrong with that house?

Carla Barbetti Wow really i knew someone who lived there

Karen Johanson Maybe it is just the location. . .too much traffic? It is a really cute little house.

Alexandra Carolina D’Vega How much is the rent?

Christina Fedelin Oates I always wonder the same thing.

Stephanie Segel If the rent is cheaper than what im paying….I’ll move…ghosts or no ghosts!

Alan Lopez LEDGEND goes that there was an old maid who lived there with her husband. Suddenly her husband came down with the sickness and later died. She was left all alone she didn’t want her husband to leave her so she kept his body in the bedroom where she slowly became crazy bring the body food and all that she later adopted 50 cats and lived for her remainder of her life slowly laughing on her own thinking her husband was talking to her she later died in the bed next to him. Some say u can still hear the cries of her mourning at night others laughter. And other witness what looked like to be a lady in black walking the hall ways but there is also a dark entity there the one who caused the illness and her mental break Down

Mary Ellen Greenway I have been callinh that number for months no answer….and yes it is so cute reminds me of home in Pa.

Janel M Chrestenson Pearson Maybe it’s bad at night with the tire shop and parking lot next door. Might be a hang out.

Alan Lopez ANOTHER LEDGEND goes that there was a massacre in that house back in the days 0-0 * cue scary music*

Rebeccamarie MignoneSalaiz What is the address?

Lucinda Denning I think the one on lux used to be close to cypress

Maria Cristina Morales-Hernandez All very interesting! But very creepy! Whenever I walked by there it gave me the creeps!

Sandra Bortoli-Copado That house has been for rent for OVER 4 years. Rumors are its haunted. The number doesn’t seem to pick up when one calls… Pretty weird!

Ellen Minucciani Maybe it is just because it is a bad location. Busy street.

Monique Martinez No parking

Genevieve Trombley Hahaha It’s not because it’s loud or because there’s no parking. I’ve lived around the corner from there for 7 1/2 years and I’m quite sure it has been “For Rent” that entire time… I’m quite curious about it as well.

Geneva Wisnewski I grew up in SSF and I agree with Alan Lopez those were the same stories we heard growing up too.

Alicia Mora-Reyes Angel Goodman

Angel Goodman Lmao!! I lived there for over ten years. It’s not haunted. The owner just has been fixing the inside up before he can do anything with it because it won’t pass inspection. I think that’s interesting that there’s stories about the place lol I’ve never heard of them.

Ryan Rogers Really cute house. Nice to see houses like this from along time ago still around.

Alicia Mora-Reyes Hahaha i know u used to live there that’s y I tagged u lol thought you’d find what they saying funny hahaha

Angel Goodman Yea it’s hilarious because the hallways were tiny and you can’t see them from the window anyways. The owner still comes by the place and works on the house but the problems he has to fix is expensive which is why it’s still for rent.

Meg Simi I was just going to tag you Angel Goodman! I remember going there all the time with you. Didn’t seen haunted haha.

Lucinda Denning Hey Catalina Nava Ocegueda didn’t someone on your side lived in that house. I thought I remember seeing your sister outside

Muriel Pleasic Peninger Its cute isn’t it. I love haunted houses.

David Andrade That house has been fir rent the past 10 years, we have tried to rent it but we never get any respond to it, and there are so many stories but none of them are true

Angela De Benedetto As a child, I used to have nightmares about that house. I’m pretty sure it was because my dentist was next door, the evil Dr. Pon.

Yadira Felix He/she must be same owners to homes in alley behind house.same color. Empty.never answers phone. All Been empty for yrs. If anyone knows him.let him know we all wanna rent!

Marcie Mitchell Used to be owned by the Angulo family – they sold it years ago. Never heard any haunted stories though – property is one of this long lots with another house in the back. I always thought it was cute but in the wrong block – needed to be up on Miller or back on Baden



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Ms Dyann Madrid
Ms Dyann Madrid
11 years ago

I called the number early last year and left a message. I received a prompt reply, however they quoted $2,300 a month for rent. No way is this house worth that amount.

shesmona shanake
11 years ago

Its a front for some kind of illegal activities. Its been for rent for like ten years. The two houses in the alley behind it are for rent also. I think its a front for immigrants just coming here or sex slavery or something. The light is on at night. No one ever works on this house.