South City resident Armando Leigh asked our Facebook friends, “I keep getting letters from a “subsidiary” of California Water Service asking to sign up for repair cost coverage for the exterior water service from the service line to the point of connection to our house. Coverage cost $4.95 a month. I think this coverage is unnecessary, but anyone have any opinions/experiences either way?”
Below are the responses including California Water Service and follow up information from Leigh after exploring a bit further:
David Valencia I wouldn’t do it. Too many scammers out there nowadays. You need more information than just letters. Ask your surrounding neighbors as well if they get the same letters.
Lina Katami Shetaya I used to work for Cal Water and I get the same letters, it’s definitely legit, and is an option for protection just like earthquake insurance from insurance companies, totally your choice and preference.
Jerry Selvitella My clients have found the sewer line coverage valuable. My understanding is that it will pay up $3000 for blockage and/or sewer lateral issues.
Monica Burke It all depends on if you want to be responsible for repairing and replacing the line from the house to the meter… if you are young and it is easy to get to then… but if you are not into that kind of project might as well pay $5.00 per month than $3000 -$5000 when it breaks.
Janel M Chrestenson Pearson Forget the water line insurance. Consider the sewer line insurance, provided that it will REPLACE the line if necessary. That’s the huge expense. Generally they won’t replace.
Armando Leigh @ Jerry, I do not see blockage of the pipe a covered peril, only leakage or breakage. Provides up to $12,000 of annual coverage, with a 30 wait period.
Armando Leigh I know that it’s a percentages game, like earthquake coverage, but the problem is, is that I don’t know the percentage. Does anyone know how many pipes leaked or busted last year? Are there stats kept on that? Does the water company provide that info?
Everything South City to Armando Leigh That is an excellent question. To get specific answers perhaps best to contact CWS directly – here is the contact info (408) 367-8200 infoGO@calwater. https://www.calwater.com
Armando Leigh That’s for the link. Will do.
Lori Cox Some insurance companies can add similar coverage to your existing homeowner’s policy for a lower yearly price
Karen Davenport I think it’s worth it. A couple years ago our next door neighbor’s pipe broke under her lawn. It was a Saturday, and it took the city 1 1/2 hours to shut the water off. Needless to say, it caused a massive flood. She had the insurance, and the city came out and fixed it – along with her driveway, and the gaping 8 foot deep sink hole it left next to our house. It would have cost thousands without the insurance.
California Water Service Company Hi Armando Leigh – yes, as Lina mentioned above, this is a legitimate offer. We have contracted with HomeServe to offer our customers utility-related protection services that we think may be of value to you. These services are completely optional though. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact our Customer Center at 650-558-7800.
Armando Leigh I emailed Cal Water and a very nice person named Laura replied that they do not keep stats of pipes that have leaked or busted. I also contacted my insurance agent to see if my homeowner’s policy provided coverage and I was told it does not.
South City resident Armando Leigh asked our Facebook friends, “I keep getting letters from a “subsidiary” of California Water Service asking to sign up for repair cost coverage for the exterior water service from the service line to the point of connection to our house. Coverage cost $4.95 a month. I think this coverage is unnecessary, but anyone have any opinions/experiences either way?”
Below are the responses including California Water Service and follow up information from Leigh after exploring a bit further:
David Valencia I wouldn’t do it. Too many scammers out there nowadays. You need more information than just letters. Ask your surrounding neighbors as well if they get the same letters.
Lina Katami Shetaya I used to work for Cal Water and I get the same letters, it’s definitely legit, and is an option for protection just like earthquake insurance from insurance companies, totally your choice and preference.
Jerry Selvitella My clients have found the sewer line coverage valuable. My understanding is that it will pay up $3000 for blockage and/or sewer lateral issues.
Monica Burke It all depends on if you want to be responsible for repairing and replacing the line from the house to the meter… if you are young and it is easy to get to then… but if you are not into that kind of project might as well pay $5.00 per month than $3000 -$5000 when it breaks.
Janel M Chrestenson Pearson Forget the water line insurance. Consider the sewer line insurance, provided that it will REPLACE the line if necessary. That’s the huge expense. Generally they won’t replace.
Armando Leigh @ Jerry, I do not see blockage of the pipe a covered peril, only leakage or breakage. Provides up to $12,000 of annual coverage, with a 30 wait period.
Armando Leigh I know that it’s a percentages game, like earthquake coverage, but the problem is, is that I don’t know the percentage. Does anyone know how many pipes leaked or busted last year? Are there stats kept on that? Does the water company provide that info?
Everything South City Armando Leigh That is an excellent question. To get specific answers perhaps best to contact CWS directly – here is the contact info (408) 367-8200 infoGO@calwater. https://www.calwater.com
California Water Service Company
Armando Leigh That’s for the link. Will do.
Lori Cox Some insurance companies can add similar coverage to your existing homeowner’s policy for a lower yearly price
Karen Davenport I think it’s worth it. A couple years ago our next door neighbor’s pipe broke under her lawn. It was a Saturday, and it took the city 1 1/2 hours to shut the water off. Needless to say, it caused a massive flood. She had the insurance, and the city came out and fixed it – along with her driveway, and the gaping 8 foot deep sink hole it left next to our house. It would have cost thousands without the insurance.
California Water Service Company Hi Armando Leigh – yes, as Lina mentioned above, this is a legitimate offer. We have contracted with HomeServe to offer our customers utility-related protection services that we think may be of value to you. These services are completely optional though. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact our Customer Center at 650-558-7800.
Armando Leigh I emailed Cal Water and a very nice person named Laura replied that they do not keep stats of pipes that have leaked or busted. I also contacted my insurance agent to see if my homeowner’s policy provided coverage and I was told it does not.