So you know this guy? He has been caught on camera taking mail out of boxes. Is this identity theft in the making?
South City resident Scott Chou has shared his surveillance video on YouTube which clearly shows a man seemingly removing mail from the mailboxes up on Alta Loma Park – Promenade neighborhood. In the video you can see this guy open the mail box and appear to be putting in a flyer while removing mail and slipping it into a newspaper of some sort and then continuing on his way.
As we are being warned of more and more scams hitting us, we now must be extra vigilant with our mail as tax returns start coming through. In the meanwhile we are smart to heed Chou’s warning to double check bank accounts and credit card statements. It appears this is not a crime that will be pursued by our police department which means it is up to neighbors to keep a watchful eye and report things in real time to 911. Everything South City thanks Mr. Chou for sharing this video with the public and making us all aware of this crime. And thank you to Lisa Sakurai Villasana for posting this to our Facebook page:
On Friday, Feb 28 my neighbor posted to our neighborhood email group that he caught a mail thief on his surveillance camera. The thief put in one of those recycling flyers, but stole the outgoing mail. Here is the link he posted to youtube. Watch out for this guy. Oh and his house is across from Alta Loma park.
Chou published this on YouTube on February 28:
This shady character is pretending to stuff flyers into mailboxes but is subtly taking mail out in the same veiled move. He puts our white outbound mail envelope into his newspaper and strolls off. Many of the boxes in our neighborhood are unlocked so his orange bag looks like a big haul of stolen mail. We all know how tough guys with black caps like to carrying bright orange handbags! So this is an identity thief in action so please monitor your credit card and bank accounts for fraudulent activity. Alta Loma Park – Promenade,
UPDATE: Communications yesterday Monday March 3 between ESC & SSFPD and ESC & Scott Chou result in this update of information. SSFPD contacted Scott Chou and PD now have a police report on file and the image of the suspect has been distributed among law enforcement agencies. If you recognize this suspect please contact SSFPD at 877-8900 or anonymous tip line at 952.2244
Send this video to the Postal inspector. He will make the cops do their jobs!