13 Reasons You Should Be Spending More
Time Outside
Go take a hike. posted on
Arianna Rebolini BuzzFeed Staff
Forest visits have been shown to increase number (by nearly 50%) and activity of natural cancer-killing cells. (Source).
Following stressful events, blood pressure, heart rate, and muscle tension have all been seen to decrease faster in natural environments than in urban settings. (Source.)
People who take part in conservation projects report feeling part of a system greater than themselves, and improvements in overcoming social isolation. (Source.)
People who walked in natural settings showed a 16% increase in working memory in comparison to those who walked in urban environments. (Source.)
Exposure to natural daylight — preferably at the same time every morning and for about 15 minutes — can help maintain a normal circadian rhythm. (Source.)
Negative ions — which are found abundantly in the air around waterfalls, crashing waves, and in rainfall — have been shown to lighten moods, relieve depression, and increase energy level. (Source.)
Neighborhoods with natural spaces have shown fewer reports of aggression and decreased crime rates in comparison to those without. (Source.)
Exposure to natural settings — through things like wilderness walking, gardening, or even seeing trees outside your apartment building — has been linked to decreased “attention fatigue” and reduced symptoms in people with ADHD. (Source.)
Gardening has been shown to decrease symptoms in people with depression by providing distraction from rumination. (Source.)
Exposure to natural landscapes has been shown to inspire more long-term hope for the future. (Source)
Greenery in the workplace has been shown to increase concentration, memory retention, and accuracy among employees. (Source.)
Senior citizens living in urban areas with walkable green spaces showed greater life span than those without. (Source.)
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