The fact that Physical Education has only been offered at a few of our Elementary Schools, parents have been rallying to get the word out about this evening’s School Board Meeting. Parents and caregivers want to see all the Elementary Schools provide the State mandated time and level of Physical Education, especially as we witness our city holding the ‘record of highest childhood obesity’ in the county at 47%. Below is the information sent to us by John Baker which will be presented at the School Board meeting this evening at 7pm at Baden Adult School Gymnasium. The public is welcomed and encouraged to attend. Our School Board members are our neighbors who we voted into public office and look forward to working with the community and our students while adhering to governing laws related to their Trustee position. #Respect
TO: Board of Trustees FROM: Alejandro Hogan, Superintendent
THRU: Shawnterra Moore, Ed.D., Assistant Superintendent, Educational Services and Categorical Programs
DATE: June 26, 2014
RE: Physical Education at the Elementary Schools
At the Board meeting on June 12, 2014, a concern was raised by parents and one teacher about the lack of PE occurring at our elementary schools. With the support of the Superintendent, we were able to reach out to principals to inquire and request information regarding how and if they are meeting the instructional minute requirement. California law clearly establishes the priority of physical
education instruction. Education Code Section 51210 requires 200 minutes of physical education every ten school days for students in grades one through six. Based on the data that we received back via email due to administrators being on vacation, it looks like:
• 44% of schools (4 sites) are meeting or exceeding this requirement in all
grade levels.
• 33% of schools (3 sites) are meeting the requirement in some grade levels
but not all.
• 22% of schools (2 sites) were unable to provide us with specific times/minutes per grade level and do not appear to be meeting the requirement.
What will Educational Services Department do to support Principals to ensure all elementary schools/grade levels are meeting this mandated requirement?
• In the fall, review the legal requirements for elementary physical education with all principals who will review this with their staff.
• In the fall, principals at those sites who are meeting the requirement will be asked to share their site’s daily schedules and explain the process they used to the other principals.
o Also provide principals with sample daily schedules that include PE
• Provide principals with the PE Framework and the PE standards; principals will then share these with their staff.
• Provide principals with sample lesson plans that can be used at the elementary level; principals will then share these with their staff.
• Provide principals with sample daily schedules.
• We can also reinstate the ad hoc PE curriculum committee to discuss this and other items that may need to be discussed as determined by our teachers.
FISCAL IMPLICATIONS: None at this time.
RECOMMENDATION: For information only.
[…] listen to the group and continue the dialogue which parents felt was promising. This *June 26th Board Meeting memorandum (SEE BELOW) shows that the district is addressing PE and answering our questions: the preparations they will […]