Off The Wall is a collection of information from our Facebook page
Over 65 people joined in with thanks aka LIKES in response to this post:
Thanks to Carole Brady-Duport for sharing an example of the best of South City folks! And ESC joins in with Carole with a THANK YOU to them as well.
‘Just wanted to acknowledge and thank the three people who stopped and helped a man in a motorized wheelchair. His chair was half on the sidewalk and half in a drain. He was helpless. Thank you to those good people who showed kindness to someone in need.’
BIG thanks to John Baker for South San Francisco School Board for this share from last evening’s WARRIORS game
Final: Cap beats South City 14-7. Both SSF highs winless on their new fields, but I’ve a good feeling about El Camino tomorrow at 2 vs. Aragon.
From Nicole during our FRIDAY FREE FOR ALL:
I never post about my day job or Business Step It Up Inc. but far too frequently I am hearing “I wish I would have known.”
I have been in the mortgage and finance industry since 2002. Since the mortgage crisis/ crash in 2008 I have been assisting distressed home owners. I am proud to say that I have been a part of saving over 1500 families in the bay area and all over California save their homes from foreclosure.
I’ve met with families that when they came to my office that had lost all hope, their home was getting ready to sell at the court house steps, that had nowhere to turn, wondering how to tell their kids that they need to move and didn’t know how they would rent with such horrible credit.
Then a few months later I meet with the same families that we were able to bring their mortgage current, lower their payment to something affordable and give them a FRESH START. <———– This is what I LOVE!!!!I love helping people and this just of one of the tools I have been blessed to learn.
If you or someone you know are having mortgage difficulties, or you will in the future because your rate is adjustable contact me. If you have bad credit and want to improve it contact me. My email is [email protected] and phone is 877-305-1300
We are all in the same community, let’s stick together and help one another.
Please share this post.
If I’ve assisted you in the past and you feel comfortable please share your story.
Thanks to William Shon II for the update on the Westborough Shopping Center which brought a response from 160 neighbors:
‘Holy moly, did not see this coming. I’ve been saying we need a dessert cafe in SSF! Now Paris Baguette Cafe is coming Westborough Square is gonna be packed.’
Jose I’ll take Galli’s or any pastry from the Mexican stores on Linden or Grand over the “Paris Baguette Cafe” any day.
Rebeccamarie Oh yum can’t wait to visit family and try this out!
Alejandra I still wish they wouldn’t have chased out Caffino! By the way, does anyone know what happened to the Deli?
Deb There’s a deli up there – not sure if it is the same owners. Meanwhile, the old Pacific Market on Callan sits empty – anyone know if there are plans for this nearly deserted shopping area?
Tina Whoo hoo!
Stephanie eeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Janice Well well well! Look what’s coming!!!! Best bakery ever? Yup.
Judy Wow….this place will be a great addition. Cannot wait to try it.
Shelly Awwww man. Just don’t make it harder to get in to get my Philz coffee! This impacts everyone. As you know I’m no ray of sunshine without my coffee!!!
Maryanne Westborough Deli & Cafe is coming back
Cindy What I would do to live in SSF again!!!!
Caesar Oh no.
Cindy shares Paris Baguette Cafe website MORE INFO CLICK HERE
Sil Westborough residents should have our own line at all these places right? #hollaifyoufeelme
William Well there’s Galli and the Mexican places down on Grand Ave already so you can go there for that. At least we have choices and you don’t have to buy stuff you don’t like. I’ve had so many cakes from Gallis at work for meetings, pretty good. I wish someone would open a taqueria….El Farolito? Then I wouldn’t have to go all the way to Grand.I think the center up on Callan is going to be razed…I predict parking will become challenging especially when all the shops are open. Caffinos can’t reopen possibly due to the inflexibility or inaction of the city council to allow an exception to the moratorium on new drive thru’s. Caffino is not new they simply needed to relocate
Michelle they have good healthy loafs of bread. We should go one day.
Cindy What a mess that area will be. Glad im moving out of area just getting way to congested
DeeDee How about putting a Home Goods somewhere oh how the women would love it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sharon I agree!!!
Lane I would love a children’s play place like Pump It Up!
Question: You are having a garage sale and a family that you don’t know pulls up and looks around. While they are shopping the little one needs to use the bathroom – really bad. What do you do?
Monique Point to a tree
Janel Sorry Charlie… Nobody in.
Nicholas You don’t let them in, correct?
Sarah It’s a garage sale, not a public business.
Sharon Nope…..tell them where the closes bathroom is.
Jorge Point to the grass, the neighbors grass
Rick Depends, show them to the bathroom and be cautious. I’m accommodating that way. It’s a chance to trust fellow human beings.
Michele Let the kid use the bathroom
Margie Direct them to the nearest gas station or restaurant
Stephanie Unfortunately, young kids are used to scope things out. Never let strangers, even kids into your home.
Rebeccamarie where I live I wouldn’t let anyone in, its just not safe anymore sad but a fact
Lisa o Let the kid use the bathroom, but don’t allow the parents in the house unattended or unsupervised. This is an opportunity for them to rob you while you’re doing them a favor. One parent may stay with the kid while the other one cases your home.
Chelsea Let them use the bathroom. Walk them there and wait until they are done! Sheesh. It’s a little kid. Come on people
Nicole Let the kid go to the bathroom.
Ana Lilia l Id apologize but the bathroom is not in service
Cindy Nope
Edwin Start pour water slowly and laugh at the kid lmao jk jk tell them where the closest one is
Randy How about you do your neighbors a favor and donate your unneeded stuff (junk) to charity and keep the low life out of your neighborhood .
Jeanne z I would let the kid use the bathroom but have a member of my family escort them in and wait for them and escort them back out. Its also a good idea to warn them about your protective dog!!
Jim It says something about our world today that we have to ask the question.
DeeDee You as the owner of the house should go in with the kid and the parent sad that this is the way world as become that you can’t trust anyone anymore !,,,,,
Sunny Let him use the bathroom. Parents stay outside.
Rose Yes, this is a dilemma. The one and only time I had a garage sale, my family is with me, so perhaps I would have let a kid go in, but a family member would have to be with them. The thing is… usually someone doesn’t let their kid go into someone’s house alone, so it would be “normal” for an adult or two to go inside as well. Then what do you do if one is in the bathroom w/the kid and the other is wandering around your hallway asking about the house, etc.? I know it’s sad, but that can be reality. My retail antenna goes up. The other choice is to say, “I’m not comfortable having people inside my house; there are two gas stations and a McDonalds down the street,” smile, and tend to another customer.
Lisa Ask for a parent’s license, ID, passport or green card, escort parent, kid to bathroom, give back papers when family leaves. It’s annoying to everyone
Alexandra are hilarious. …by the way you forgot “SOCIAL SECURITY”LOL
Lisa But kid gets relief at a minor inconvenience to his or her parents. Kids are so incredibly vulnerable they deserve a fair compromise.
Katie Nope. I would not let them in.
Anjana They drove all the way to your garage sale…kinda think they must’ve passed a few places where they have public restrooms on their way…..we teach our kids not to talk to strangers so your gonna let strangers in your house…just a thought
Pat I tell them I’ll be right back. If they feel the need to steal something, it’s on their conscience…
Sabrina Never ever. Not a public restroom. So sorry. The end.
Antonio Tell them sorry, that due to a court order children are not allowed in your house. Then smile.
Alexandra Lol….then they will be loosing a customer…
Jake How many family members do you have and not know? Lol
Steemin’ Freeman It would depend on how trusting I felt with the people. If I thought everything was ok, then I would escort the Child and Mom, or Dad, to our bathroom. If I had any thoughts of shady intentions, then sorry.. NO. If the child went anyway, we would make every effort to clean it up.. We have more customers… Duh.. Common sense.. Some might think I’m naive, but I still have trust in our fellow humans.. It’s a thing I was born with, growing up in South San Francisco.
Brian Seriously? This is a question? Let them use the mf bathroom
Jc & Lyn Bring out my kids potter potty!
Erik You people overthink shit. A small child isn’t thinking about robbing you. As a father of a 5 year old, he’s not thinking about anything except the bathroom when he has to go. Stop saying shit just to get on this Facebook site. My 5 year old has never stolen anything just to be popular. Believe what you want, but some kids are really innocent
Ruth Because we always make sure there is more than one family member at our garage sale – I would leave my mom in charge of keeping an eye outside – I would let the child use the toilet and wait for her and her mother inside my house until he/he was done – it’s a little kid!!!
Carol Haha…i just asked my husband what he would do in this situation. He said point them to the bushes.
Griselda Don’t let them use it. Your house is not a public restroom. I know of a little one who got MMRSA (I think that’s how it’s spelled), a flesh eating bacterial infection on his rear. Their parent did not know where he caught it. Clean family, good parents etc but he still managed to get sick, and I wouldn’t want to put another family in danger with my germs or have their germs put mine in danger. So, no!
Keith No
Charles NO. JOSIE
Terry No way… Sounds suspicious to me.
Angela I’m sorry, it goes without saying, you let the kids use the restroom. What has happened to society? If you’re so suspicious, don’t open yourself up to these situations by having the garage sale.
Kelly Geez, I wouldn’t think twice (and am grateful for that naivety if indeed that’s what it is) -let the poor munchkin pee.

Carolyn Damonte volunteered with 2nd Harvest for over 25 years, which was only one of her community groups
Barbara D shared the sad news and we send our sympathies to the Damonte family. Carolyn Damonte passed – her husband is Emmanuel “Midge” Damonte – they were both teachers at SSF schools for many years and very active in civic affairs. She taught at El Camino High.
Below is the Obituary provided by Garden Chapel. To leave condolence messages for the family please CLICK HERE
January 27, 1931 – September 9, 2014
Born on January 27, 1931 in San Francisco, Carolyn died quietly on September 9, 2014. She grew up in Colma and graduated from Jefferson High School in Daly City in 1948. She attended College of San Mateo and married Emanuele N. Damonte of South San Francisco on June 10, 1950.
Carolyn was the devoted mother of Catherine Damonte Hansen (Michael) of South San Francisco, Michael Damonte (Shannon) of Pope Valley, Janet Damonte Hall (Richard) of Columbus, Ohio, Daniel Damonte of Santa Rosa, Laurie Damonte Biagi (Craig) of San Mateo, Elizabeth Damonte (Lydia Faidiga) of Redwood City, and Christopher Damonte of Pacifica.
She was the proud grandmother of 13, Amy and Kate Hansen, Sam and Litto Damonte, Elissa and Robert Hall, Carolyn, Emily, and Dominic Damonte, Tony and Nick Biagi, and Alexandra and Sterling Damonte; and great grandmother of five, Owen, Ella and Andrew Sikora, Arabella Biagi, and Jackson Walker.
Carolyn was a loving stay-at-home mom through the school years of her children, entering the work world as an English as a Second Language teacher at El Camino High School in South San Francisco, where she retired in 1990.
She enjoyed gardening, sewing, knitting, crocheting, reading, travelling and spending time with friends and family. Her travels took her to over 100 countries covering six continents. Her favorite type of travel was cruising and calling room service.
Throughout her life Carolyn’s compassion for service for others was exhibited through her volunteer work with the Cancer Society, Saint Veronica Church, Second Harvest food pantry, and Saint Vincent DePaul Society. She made regular significant contributions to support Children International, Catholic Relief Fund, Maryknoll Missions, and Catholic Charities.
Along with Emanuele(Midge) she was a founding member of the South San Francisco Sister City Program. She was also an active contributor to the Colma Historical Society. Until her illness, she was an energetic member of the 8:30 Daily Mass group at McDonald’s Restaurant in South San Francisco.
Visitation will be held on Wed., Sept. 10th at Garden Chapel, 885 El Camino Real, So.SF from 5:00-8:00pm where a Vigil will be held at 6pm. A Mass of Resurrection will be held at St. Veronica Church, Thursday, Sept. 11th, 12:00pm, 434 Alida Way, So.SF. Private Committal.
In lieu of flowers donations can be made to a charity of your choice.
Good info to share with our teachers about FREE material for California teachers! California Education and the Environment Initiative (EEI) provides science and social studies materials and all you have to do is follow these simple directions via I Love My Classroom MORE INFO CLICK HERE
How many of you have rec’d scam calls? Who were they; IRS? PGE? Relative in need? Any ideas on how we can get the word out to more neighbors in SSF (and elsewhere) about the scams being pulled by these pretend agencies/ persons?
We keep sharing here on ESC yet SSFPD keep putting out more reports of yet another neighbor suckered. Many of us think everyone should know by now – but they don’t.

Also PLEASE get the word out about the FREE SEMINAR at MSB 33 ARROYO DR on Sept 29 (monday) 9-11am SENIOR SCAM STOPPERS- ALL ARE WELCOMED. More info CLICK HERE
Karen Just returned home after work today to a message on my answering machine also supposedly from an IRS agent making a courtesy call to let me know I was about to be arrested for IRS fraud. Reported it to SSFPD. Fortunately I’ve heard of the scams on your site and on the local news, but the message could have been very scary and intimidating to someone. If they called him back for more information it would have led to disaster, I’m sure.
Rose ESC: Do you think we should report to the police each time? Or just the first time we receive it? I have at least 4 messages on my machine… I haven’t reported any of them yet.
Karen responds to Rose I called the police and reported it but they basically said good that I hadn’t responded. I think they are very aware of the situation, so you might call the first time but every time probably isn’t necessary.
Keith Send me $50.00 and I’ll try to stop the scammers .
Davida I got the call – they left a voice-mail message – I knew it was fake because that’s not how IRS operates. They send certified letters, they do not call you.
Karen Unbelievably I came home to another message tonight. Same voice calling himself by a different name reading the same script.
Karen (626) 583-1370, from Pasadena, CA. The first time they actually left a message about wanting to clean my carpets, but now they don’t say anything. They call about once a week, but I never answer when I see that # on my caller ID. Next time, I will report them.
KC We get at least 4 a week from the IRS. In addition we had a senior just tell us about another ‘Grandson’ scam – someone claiming to be the grandson asking for $$ bc they were in trouble. Very convincing and so easy to just give a tiny bit of info unknowingly which gives the scamers more ammunition to use against them.
SSFPD spent some time visiting the littlest ones in our community at Temporary Tot Tending – South San Francisco who posted this photo on their FB page
Over 150 neighbors LIKED this post. Below are the comments also made:
Juan It would be Great if the SSFPD would smile like that to all citizens (specially Latinos) They always look at you with this rude look making you feel like you did something wrong, nothing makes you feel more protected than friendly cops, just my opinion.
Esther and 7 others indicated ‘agree with Juan’
Moserod would be nice if they talked to teens instead of barking orders. honey catches more flies than vinegar
Gina What a GREAT looking group!
Laura these guys rock
Renee You are all great but love you Sean
KC to Renee – I’m telling Matt!
Everything South City Be sure to sign up for the SSFPD Citizen’s Police Academy – starts THIS month and is led by Corporal Sean Curmi for more information at (650) 829-3931 or email [email protected] MORE INFO HERE
Jose Never had any problems with SSFPD, never been pulled over for no reason unlike in SF, so thank you guys for the work you do. Did I mention I’m a darky? So, very glad I don’t live in Ferguson, Missouri.
Dolores: That’s my Boy!!!
Maggie Have always felt safe and well protected by our SSFPD – thank you for all you do for us!! Great pic btw.
Muriel That sounds good to me. I have always loved the So City PD.
Marie Love it !!!! wait where is my cousin Amador get in there !!!!
Rich I was there. thanks guy sj.
Natalia Oh my goodness is that one of the Cairos??
Sue Hooray for TTT!!!
Christina Loved that place!! Both my kids attended there as little ones. We still go back on occasion to visit
So what are your thoughts about this new 3 foot law going into effect next Tuesday? And on that subject, should bicyclist start paying taxes to ‘share the road’? (vehicles subject to registration taxes, road taxes on gas, etc)
Bicycles: Passing Distance. AB 1371 (Bradford), known as the Three Feet for Safety Act, will require a motor vehicle driver passing a bicycle that is proceeding in the same direction to pass with no less than 3 feet between any part of the vehicle and any part of the bicycle or driver. When three feet is not possible, the motor vehicle must slow to a reasonable and prudent speed and only pass when no danger is present to the bicyclist. Failing to do so can incur a fine, regardless of a collision or not. This law will take effect September 16, 2014.
Larry the onus is on the car driver. The obvious, bicyclists are crazy to accept the rules of the road unless they are protected. Cars always win so bend the law to change the endings.
Trina A couple of years ago, Sacramento (and probably other cities) re-marked the streets, adding bike lanes or shifting them. The bike lanes on several very busy streets are now basically part of the traffic lane, while the parking is between the bike lane and the curb. Some bicyclists, mostly the weekend ones, don’t know what to use and choose the sidewalk instead. As a bicyclist myself, I don’t really have a problem registering my vehicle, but I really do have an issue with sharing the road with cars. As a driver, I have an issue sharing the road with bicyclists who don’t follow the rules. As a person, I have an issue with speeders and a whole host of concerns by drivers of all vehicles (including bicycles).
Sheila Good law – good to encourage bike riding & protect the more
Vulnerable. Big deal if a car driver has to slow down & wait to pass. IMHO
Anita I was a bicyclist for the first 20 yrs of my life.
But now people are inpatient, rude and don’t care. Bicyclist may think that they have won a victory. But if someone doesn’t play by the rules, they ( bicyclist) are still going to be the loser.
Personally I’m not trying to hurt anyone and avoid. But at the same time I have met the rudest bicyclist !
Jessica They should not permit bicyclist to share the road with anyone because they never observe the rules of the road. That’s why so many of them get killed.
John B As a bike rider, I have to disagree. I do follow the rules of the road (some don’t, as don’t many drivers), even to the point of signaling my turns, and I find the obliviousness of some drivers is more a danger than anything else (for example, I am entitled to the full lane and can move into the left lane to make a left turn).
Jessica They should not permit bicyclist to share the road with anyone because they never observe the rules of the road. That’s why so many of them get killed.
Laura It should have also included a clause that if a bicyclist is on the sidewalk where there is a dedicated bike lane, they get fined. I don’t know how many times I have been almost run over by bicyclists on the sidewalk going down Grand. I have ridden down Grand, Spruce, Orange, etc and had no problems with cars until I got to the Centennial Walkway crossing areas
John B If a bicyclist over the age of 13 is on the sidewalk, it already is a violation.
Jim Bicycles and cars don’t mix. Make more bike lanes but cars and bikes shouldn’t be sharing lanes. And, yes, bikes should be registered and insured and have to pay fees and have a special operator’s license…it’s obvious that a LOT of bicyclists don’t care about the law.
John B But many do.
Eric 2 lane roads are going to be difficult. We have many of them here in Napa/Sonoma Valley. I agree to share the roads, but bicyclists will need to be informed about the law, and heed to it. Many are tourists, and they are oblivious to their surroundings. Keep to the Bike lanes, and if there is not one, single line riding. NO, 4 wide.. Or 3 wide, or even 2 wide.. Be aware.. It saves lives.. Registering, is just more money for the state.. I ride a bike occasionally , and I don’t want to pay a fee, or tax to do so.. It is not my main transportation vehicle..
John B I don’t mind paying my “fair share” of road taxes to use the road, but be aware that my bike weighs about 1/100th the weight of an average car, and it is the weight of vehicles on a road that contributes to lane deterioration.
Johnny I live in the city….I drive…and I bike….but there are bike lanes….and some streets…are bike lanes….stupid law….everyone pay attention and….defer …
David Should pedestrians be required to pay taxes in the form of registration, licensing, insurance, etc.? I know a lot of rude pedestrians that don’t obey the law. Let’s not be ridiculous.
Guzmán You stupid bitch bicyclists should not pay because they are not polluting dumb fuck
Deborah yes they should tax the bicycles
Eric Get out if the way if my car. You don’t belong in the streets. Get in your bike lane and stay there. Bicyclists don’t obey traffic laws either.
Andres so cars have to stop at stop signs/red lights and bikes can coast thru with no regards to traffic? cars need licenses and anyone can hop on a bike without any passing of judgment? if we share the road share the damn costs of driving and traffic rules.
Dan Why does the state have to baby sit bicycle riders a car drivers? When sitting on a bicycle or sitting in a car seat behind a windshield, why do most peoples brains turn off? Shouldn’t the brain be turned on? Why does a law need to be made instead of a brain guiding a bodies movements?
Keith Keep your Bicycle out of the MIDDLE of the lane and we won’t have a problem. Oh yea ..and bicycles have to stop at the “stop Signs” too.
Keith I never did think it was a good idea to make a 5,000 LB car mad at a 200 LB bicycle ….Physics just don’t forgive in this case tough guy….
Paul Ok the roads are for everyone here is when this not make sense at all. People who ride bikes don’t pay road taxes or bike registration so the devil should this become a law our politicians really need to reconsider this matter and stop wearing blinders really this crazy
Andrew I ride a bike to work 90% of the time. I blow through stop signs when no cars are there. I also stop and wait for cars cause I don’t want to get hit common sense.
This law is meant to protect riders when there are NO bike lanes. If every street had a bike lane this law would not be needed.
I’ll agree to a registration fee if it were my only means of transportation. However, since I already pay for two car registrations it should be waived.
Juan We complain about too many cars on the road, too much traffic but at the same time we want to punish cyclist when all they’re doing is keeping cars out of the street by cycling to work, that makes a lot of sense…
Little Help Please: Stacy Weaver is asking
‘Can anyone recommend a good Vet in our area?’
Leslie h .. And I’ve used them all In the Ssf area… When my lifelong vet finally retired.. Finding a new vet was super hard. Especially because I’m very hands on and parental…. I’ve found the vets around here don’t appreciate that.
Ar Doctor Grewal at Westborough Pet Hospital next to Pet Club on Chestnut is a very good vet.
Chauntel Just FYI West borough isn’t taking any more patients. I just tried for my 3 pups and 2 kitties
Evan We’ve been very happy with Dr. Grewal at Westborough Pet Hospital, too!
Ragina Westborough pet hospital!
Wendy Linda Mar Pet Hospital has been my vet for all of my pets for the past 20 years. Highly recommend!!
Karen Masson Veterinary in San Bruno
Randy Mason Veterinary San Bruno. Dr. Conkling is top notch as is the whole staff.
Santana Masson with Dr. Crinkling for both cats and dogs.
Karen I definitely recommend Linda Mar Pet Hospital. The prices are reasonable, and they really care about our furry friends.
Kimberly if you don’t mind going into SF I love, love, love Balboa Pet Hospital. Dr D is just wonderful.
Jeanine San Bruno Pet Hospital across from Tanforan.
Shari Oceana pet hospital, awesome place, pacifica off manor dr
Carole Masson Veterinary in San Bruno
Sheri we got to Colma Animal Hospital.
Marizela My pets go to Colma Pet Hospital.
Carol We all know Dr. Griffin at Spruce Pet was the best and I always wondered what I would do without him. Well now that he’s no longer here with us I had to find a new vet. If you’re willing to drive to San Mateo Aragon Pet Hospital has been pretty good to me. Dr. Sutter and Dr. Walsh are both really good vets. So far all my visits with them have been good. Nobody will ever be as good as Dr. G. His prices were awesome to. Miss u Doc.
Christine I agree! Dr Griffin was the best!
Vicki Spruce pet hospital is stil great…no longer dr griffin but they have great des there still!!
Antonio Try the Veterans of Foreign Wars. Don’t trust the ones claiming to be vets on street corners holding signs.
Laura Colma animal Hosp is the best
John . Pacifica Pet is great and very reasonable.
William I use Pacifica too!
Jeffrey Colma Animal Hospital.
Milton There’s a pet hospital on South Spruce. Don’t really know how good it is. You might want to look into it.
Scott Westborough pet hospital is the best. Dr. Greywall and the staff are great! You don’t have to worry about being over-charged.
El Colma animal hospital
Dianna If it’s something that may be serious, I’d take your pet to Linda Mar or San Francisco veterinary specialists. I took my dog to Dr. Grewal for a cough. He was super nice and I had taken him there before, but this time, he gave my dog cough drops. I took his advice and waited a few days. It was getting worse, so he suggested antibiotics. I know he was trying to keep the cost down but I knew something was wrong. After taking a longer listen to his heart, he said it sounded like there was a gush. So they did x rays. When the results came back, he said there was a leak in his heart, but he wanted to wait until the following week for the radiologist to read it. I immediately took him to sfvs. He had advanced heart disease and his heart was failing. I’m sure Grewal is good with checkups and vaccines, but for serious stuff…I’d go elsewhere. That being said, I hope your pet is okay!
Chris ,yes Linda Mar vet. They are the best
Connie Masson veterinary in San bruno. Been going to them since when they were in millbrae Dr. Conkling is so good with our pets
Ken The best vet is in San Bruno. Don Conkling of Masson Veterinary
Priya Colma Animal Hospital, Dr. Bahkri
Marie Westborough Pet Hospital on Chestnue near El Camino. Dr. Grewal is a wonderful vet and human being.
Jackie We love Balboa Pet Hospital in SF….. have also been at Dr Conkling at Masson in SB…
Jeannette Masson Vet in San Bruno
Elisa Across from tanforan
Stacey Pacifica pet hospital
Cathy Westborough Pet Hospital.
Lynn dr Beverly Ort she is great with animals she is a mobile vet who does house calls well recommended
Ann Linda Mar vet
Mary Dr. Depunzio Linda Mar Vet! Left my other vet for her ( emergency surgery) she had it done on her lunch hour that very day! Caring, loving and very nice! was recommended by a friend who also has her. good luck
Dawn hi everyone Westboro is no longer taking new patients. I just called a couple of days ago and they won’t accept me. they said they have too many patients are ready and can not add any more. good luck
Randy Lucky you, ever since Dr. Jay left, they aren’t the same
William Colma pet hospital
Jasmine San Bruno Pet Hospital formerly known as White Ivie, across the street from Tanforan. Dr. Salinger is so great, but she’s the only vet I have experience with from there right now since a bunch of doctors have retired in the past years.
Kelly It’s not in SSF, but I go to Allcare Vet Hospital in Pacifica. They literally saved one cat’s life and economically returned another’s fractured leg back to perfection. My dog, who is not fond of men, loves Dr. Grossbard. I grew up in SSF, worked in 2 of the pet hospitals there and think they are all awesome, but would commute from anywhere in the Bay Area to see Dr. Grossbard. Not that anyone likes discussing $$$ in regards to their pets, but let’s face it- it’s a factor- this hospital is very economical (I’ve had a lifetime of vet expenses, believe me I know).
Anna i AGREE WITH kELLY ALLCARE VET. STRAIGHT FORWARD VET CARE AND WILL TELL YOU which tests he think yr pets will need no extra stuff just because….Dr. Grossbard is great. they also accept. the care credit card if its over a certain amt. yes pet care is expensive but they are great.
Angelina Pacifica pet hospital dr choy
Cathy Westborough pet hospital, or Nor Cal vet in Daly city on juniper serra blvd. Great staff on both hospitals and Nor Cal is 24 hr just call.
Muriel I always went to the one on ElCamino in front of the mall, Used to be White,Ivy. not sure what its called now, and theres one on Juniper Serria, D. City its a hosp.they r good there too.
Beth We take our pets to colma animal hospital. Including chemo treatments for our dog and it was half the price of VCA.
Sharon Colma Pet Hospital is excellent .
Anyone taking pictures of the clouds today, we had some nice lenticular clouds including this one from about an hour ago, over SSF. Not as nice as we get in the Sierras or desert, but nice for SSF. Post your pictures below in the comments section of this post.