In the City of Philadelphia there was once a tavern known as Tun Tavern.
It was a brew house built by Samuel Carpenter in 1685. It was located on Philadelphia’s historic waterfront at the corner of Water Street and Tun Alley leading to Carpenter’s Wharf near what is today known as “Penn’s Landing.” The historical importance of this tavern may not be known to many, but it played one of the most important roles in the formation of the United States and to this day the event continues to play a major role in the lives of every American and numerous countries around the world.
It was there in Tun Taveren on November 10, 1775, that Robert Mullan the proprietor of the Tavern was commissioned by an act of Congress to raise the first two battalions of United States Marines, under the leadership of Samuel Nicholas, the first appointed Commandant of the Continental Marines. As a result Tun Tavern is acknowledged as the birthplace of the United States Marine Corps. There are an estimated three million active and retired U.S. Marines worldwide who have been exposed in their military training to the historical significance of Tun Tavern.
Each year on November 10th, around the world Marines toast the Marine’s birthplace on the most significant date in the history of their Corps. on November 10 2014 the United States Marine Corps will be celebrating 239 years of service to our great nation, a service branch in which Marines embrace the core values of Honor, courage, and commitment. US Marines No better friend, no worse enemy.
Semper Fidelis.