This 1.7 acre site will be the home of the new BART Transit Village with 31 3 story townhouse condos and 4 2 story single family detached homes. All will be sold at market price with 7 units below market per the City’s Inclusionary Housing Regulations
One of the last South San Francisco farmlands is looking to be developed with a Public Hearing coming before the Planning Commission on Thursday December 4, 2014 at 7pm at the MSB 33 Arroyo Drive.
This 1.7 acre site owned by Antonio Cuneo is located in the Sunshine Gardens neighborhood with boundaries at Mission Road, Baywood and Edgewood Avenues. This proposed development would include the following:
4 Single family 2 story homes with 3-5 bedrooms, garage, driveway, and 4 guest parking spaces with access via Baywood Avenue
31 Townhome style 3 story-3 bedroom Condos with 4-7 units per building, with garage and guest parking. Ten of these units and 1 guest parking space would be accessible via Edgewood Avenue and with the balance having access via Mission Road.
Other amenities of this BART Transit Village would include a children’s playground.
Units and homes would be sold to private parties with 20% (7 units) designated to low and medium income per the City’s Inclusionary Housing Regulations with 2 incentives to the developer: height increase from 25 to 35 feet and architectural designs. The City would remain involved in this process through the City’s first time home buyer program and would oversee the application and lottery process. Additional requirements may be put forth beyond the income limits per the Staff reports.
At the November 2014 city outreach meeting approximately 20 residents attended and voiced concern over the impact this development would have on the existing neighborhood as Baywood and Edgewood Avenues have been ‘cu-de-sac’ areas since they were built in 1952. Traffic and privacy concerns were among the hottest issues. Project plans take into consideration privacy for the existing neighborhood by placing townhouse windows on the east side to minimize direct visibility between the new and the old.
For those who would like to speak at this Public Hearing, please arrive a bit before 7pm and fill out a speaker card which is located in the back of the Chambers. Return your completed card to the Clerk in the front and wait for your name to be called. Upon hearing your name, proceed to the podium where you will be allowed to address the Planning Commission for up to 3 minutes.
To access the 137 page document which includes Staff Notes please CLICK HERE. You can also view the Planning Commission meetings online by CLICKING HERE. On this link you will also find past agendas and minutes.
UPDATE: To read more about upcoming development projects for SSF please CLICK HERE
For direct information contact the City Planning Department at 650/877-8535 or email [email protected]
If anyone was wondering what the current status of the site was, https://aerial.live/mglbj/. It does look like it sticks out a bit from the way the rest of the neighborhood looks.
Thank you very much for the link to this great resource Kevin. Much appreciated.
[…] 35 new townhomes are being built on the vacant lot where Cuneo’s Farm was located, at 1256 Mission Road, just one block from BART. The developer is City Ventures. These will be very attractive units, particularly for first-time home buyers who commute on BART. More info on this development CLICK HERE […]
I have to agree with the earlier comments of needing open green space. We have no public park in Sunshine Gardens which is directly adjacent to the newly developing areas. We have a High School and and Elementary school and the latter is off limits to the public during most of the days and evenings. There is NOTHING that is open to the public nor are there any green spaces that are handicap Accessible. There are two large baseball fields that are run down and cannot be accessed by the local community due to bad / no maintenance or upkeep. Yet we are being asked to give up more and more of our area to housing and with more cars. The BART is two blocks from my home and they no longer enforce the permitted parking area so we constantly have BART parkers taking up the limited street parking we have. We were promised when BART went in that this would not be the case. So much for keeping your word BART and City Council. FIX that dirty, empty lot on Sequoia and Mission Rd. On Mission Rd and Lawndale and Mission Rd and Grand….Make this an open space that people can use to exercise, decompress or just enjoy with their families.
This is literally like someone planning to put a trailer park in the middle of Hillsborough. Just fucking don’t.
And all of these comments are moderated no wonder there isn’t more uproar posted!
hi Shannon,
Comments are monitored but not edited or blocked. The first time a person comments the post is held until it is manually approved so we can be sure scammers are not posting on our community outlet. Any future comments you make will appear in real time.
In addition our FB page does tend to be more interactive and we welcome community input on any platform.
Thank you.
Going to be ugly and annoying. Ruin the view and neighborhood. My family lives on Baywood and unfortunately could not attend the meeting to vote against this horrible plan and idea. whoever is responsible should be removed from office.
[…] new BART Transit development in Sunshine Gardens will be creating a thorough fare between Baywood and Edgewood which have long been cul-de-sacs. Now […]
[…] are on the drawing board for many areas across our city. Comments we received from neighbors on the recent article about the BART Transit Village development to be built in Sunshine Gardens were across the board. From ‘no more low income housing’ to we […]
I’m hoping to show up tonight! Who else is going?
Once again the South San Francisco Planning Commission FAILS in regards to adequate parking in another new development. You are planning to build 35 units that will have 3-5 bedrooms each, but you are only allowing for 17 guest parking spaces??? Seriously??? What kind of planning will be done to protect the parking for the residents of the existing neighborhood on Baywood Avenue, and Edgewood Way??
I have to agree with JS, the proposed townhouses look like the public housing on El Camino next to SSFHS.
Can we have some aesthetics, please? Terra Cotta tiles on the roof edge, similar to the ones on Mission Rd. at present would go a long way to improving the public housing look, that buyers will be stuck with.
This looks just like that mess at SSF highschool…..
and the traffic will be a BIGGER mess. I assume the
planning commission lives somewhere else….just like the Cuneos.
This looks just like that mess at SSF highschool…..
and the traffic will be a BIGGER mess. I assume the
planning commission lives somewhere else….just like the Cuneos
What is going to happen to all the shops in Sunshine gardens? And yes its ugly and
riiiiight it will be favorable for who? the Biotech peeps? What about affordable for Senior & Disabled?
There should be a community Vegetable garden there…
agree w/crystalwolf and JS. I understand the public housing next to SSFHS has car thefts in parking structure and other “public housing” crime, the same will happen here. It’s already busy with traffic w/BART and ECHS traffic…. not good….