From Grass Roots to SF City Hall; Open the SF Watershed continues to make progress

South San Francisco, CA   March 30, 2015   Submitted by SF Peninsula Open Space CoalitionSFPOSD logo wording only 220 x 84

San Francisco Supervisors to hold public hearing on access reform in the San Francisco Watershed

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif., March 30, 2015     The efforts of the grassroots organization Open San Francisco Watershed (OSFW) has resulted in a public hearing set for Thursday April 2, 2015 at 2:00pm in the San Francisco City Hall, Room 205 at the request of San Francisco County Supervisors John Avalos and Scott Weiner to take up the matter of access reform for the 23,000 public acres within the San Francisco Watershed which is under stewardship of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC). Citing other local watershed open access, OSFW member Andy Howse said “If this area was opened to the public it would be for the SF Peninsula what Pt. Reyes National Seashore or Mt. Tamalpais is to Marin.”

As the San Francisco peninsula continues to see a boom in development opening the existing trails and roads for public use would allow those living and working in the northern peninsula to reduce their carbon footprint exploring local open space areas. “We live in the midst of this historical treasure which we should be using for recreation and not be forced to drive to other counties for this experience.” said member Kamala Silva Wolfe.  The rich history within this area shows how the San Francisco peninsula prospered with the Spring Valley Water Company and the relics of the Stone Dam and Pilarcitos Dam along the Pilarcitos Creek  still remain to this day.

Progress has been made thus far; The SFPUC has agreed that water safety is not a concern in keeping the area closed from the public. In addition the SFPUC has agreed to open the North-South Ridge trail by the end of 2016. The goal is now to access reform on the east/ west connectors allowing responsible hiking, cycling, and recreation on existing roads.

The group is encouraging outdoor enthusiasts to attend this meeting and to contact their local elected official’s requesting their support in this effort. Contact information is cited below.

About San Francisco Peninsula Open Space Coalition

The San Francisco Peninsula Open Space Coalition is dedicated to ensuring local open space access for responsible use within San Francisco and San Mateo Counties.  We promote education and exploration in our own backyard thus lessening our carbon footprint in traveling to other areas for outdoor activity. We realize today’s busy life style must include local access to wide open spaces for people to re-create and replenish their spirits and their bodies.

Our local history is alive and needs to be accessible to all people through exploration. We support preservation, education, accessibility, and connectivity in the areas north of Highway 92.

About Open The SF Watershed

The SF Watershed is a 23,000 acre open space on the SF Peninsula that is currently closed to the public. ‘Open the SF Watershed’ is an organization of advocates promoting responsible access to the network of historical roads in the (Crystal Springs) SF Watershed. ‘Open the Watershed’ is working with the SFPUC, local and state officials, and the public, to see the current roadways opened for responsible public hiking, cycling and equestrians. For more information you can also contact Andy of OSFW at    [email protected] or [email protected]


Email addresses of Elected supportive of opening the SF Watershed:

SF Supervisor John Avalos – [email protected]
SF Supervisor Scott Wiener – [email protected]
SM Supervisor Dave Pine – [email protected]
SM Supervisor Don Horsley – [email protected]

Emails addresses of Elected not yet supportive of opening the SF Watershed:

SF Mayor Ed Lee – [email protected]
SF Supervisor David Campos – [email protected]
SF Supervisor Malia Cohen – [email protected]
SF Supervisor Jane Kim – [email protected]
SF Supervisor Katy Tang – [email protected]
SF Supervisor Norman Yee – [email protected]
SF Supervisor London Breed – [email protected]
SF Supervisor Julie Christensen – [email protected]
SF Supervisor Mark Farrell – [email protected]
SF Supervisor Eric Marr – [email protected]
SF Board of Supervisors General Email – [email protected]
SM Supervisor Carole Groom – [email protected]
SM Supervisor Warren Slocum – [email protected]
SM Supervisor Adrienne Tissier – [email protected]

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