Ramada Limited SSF Hotel renovation offers free furniture to community

South San Francisco, CA    March 3, 2015   Submitted by SSF Councilwoman Normandy

South San Francisco Councilwoman Normandy, along with South San Francisco Police Sgt Adam Plank, have initiated a collection drive for our local homeless shelter at Safe Harbor. The Ramada Limited SSF was made aware of this effort and immediately contacted Normany to offer furniture. “We have plenty of available furniture as we renovated 45 total rooms” General Manager Kunal Patel said “It is free for the taking.”

However Safe Harbor cannot use the furniture due to limited space at the shelter. Patel is now offering this furniture to our community and asks that interested parties please check in at the front desk for more information on where to pick up the furniture.

Ramada Limited SSF is located at 721 Airport Blvd South San Francisco.

Photos below represent some of the furnishings available.

couch coffee table bed side chair desk dresser


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Kellie Khoury
Kellie Khoury
10 years ago

What a great community gesture…
I would love to be considered for one of the dressers or headboards. ..

Please let me know what needs to be done in order to get on the list.

Thank you in advance,

ana perez
ana perez
10 years ago

Hello i was wondering if i can get more information on the free furniture? Are the tvs also free