South San Francisco, CA March 15, 2015 Submitted by Pat Murray
In the new way education is funded in California, it is required that families be included in deciding how some of the monies are spent. The district has set up some meetings (follow link, below) for parents to be involved! Please plan to attend a meeting to let the district know what’s important to you!!
From the District Superintendent:
Attention All District Parents,
I invite all parents in our District to attend one of the five LCAP presentations for the development of the 2015-2016 Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP).
Each of the five presentations will be attended by three principals and we encourage parents from those three sites to attend that particular presentation. However, you can attend any of the five presentations.
Alejandro Hogan
Meeting Dates/Times
High Schools (SSFHS, ECHS, Baden)
Tuesday, March 3rd
7:00 p.m.
South San Francisco High School Library
Wednesday, March 25th
7:00 p.m.
El Camino High School Library
Middle Schools (Alta Loma, Parkway Heights, Westborough)
Wednesday, March 4th
6:00 p.m.
Alta Loma Elementary School, Ram Hall
Elementary Schools (Sunshine Gardens, Buri Buri, Ponderosa)
Thursday, March 12th
6:00 p.m.
Sunshine Gardens Elementary School
Elementary Schools (Los Cerritos, Spruce, Skyline)
Wednesday, March 18th
6:00 p.m.
Los Cerritos Elementary School
Elementary Schools (Martin, Junipero Serra, Monte Verde)
Thursday, March 26th
6:00 p.m.
Martin Elementary School
More info on LCAP (Local Control Funding Formula)
Superintendent Alejandro Hogan
Speaking Points re LCAP
March 21, 2014
As you well know, last year the State of California adopted a new Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF).
The District is required to develop a three-year Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) outlining our goals, how we will utilize funding to serve specific segments of our student population, and how we will measure our progress in achieving our performance targets.
This new funding system includes annual reporting requirements to ensure the State that we are using our funding effectively and that it is aimed at serving the students for which it was intended.
In order to ensure our goals meet the needs of the community and families we serve, we are asking our parents and guardians to participate in the LCAP development process by attending one of the public meetings the District is holding to solicit parent and community feedback. More information, including dates and times of public meetings, can be found on the District’s website at
I hope you can commit to being part of the LCAP process by attending one of our upcoming workshops and by encouraging your students and parents to attend. In case you aren’t able to attend in person, we will be making the draft LCAP available on the District’s website and at every school site beginning in early May.
Parents, staff and community members will have approximately 2 weeks to submit comments.
We value your feedback and encourage you to be a part of this process.
The South San Francisco Unified School District is extremely proud of the work that went into the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP). This plan represents the hard work of not only District staff, but all of our stakeholders. Although South San Francisco Unified School District is not receiving additional funds under the new funding formula, Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF), this new law allowed our District to come together with all of our stakeholders to define our beliefs and values by stating which actions to take and services to provide in order to align its goals with the eight State priority areas.
This LCAP is a strategic roadmap for improved outcomes for students. It is designed around aligning the five large goals established by the Board of Trustees on February 27, 2014 with the eight State priorities areas as described below. Added to these goals are the many actions and requisite budgeted dollars that will help our District to achieve these goals.
For more detailed information on this program CLICK HERE