South San Francisco, CA June 2, 2015
The South San Francisco Planning Commission will be holding a PUBLIC HEARING Thursday June 4, 2015 on the proposed development slated for 211 Airport Blvd where the First National Bank is currently located, although no longer in operation. The new development will include a new seven-story residential building with 83 units with a 2-level parking garage on a bit more than 1/2 acre (the old First National Bank).
The meeting will also include a PUBLIC HEARING on the MEYERS second high rise tower located off of Airport Blvd at One & Two Tower Place. UPDATE: The Planning Commission Meeting will take place Thursday June 4th at the MSB 33 Arroyo Drive at 7pm. More information can be found on the City website CLICK HERE
Below is some overall information from the 147 staff report which recommends the Planning Commission approve this plan.

The proposed development at 211 Airport Blvd will be 7 stories high and have 83 units
Figure 1: Vicinity Map
The 211 Airport Blvd. project consists of a seven-story, high-density residential building that will be approximately 75-feet tall, containing 83 units. The ground floor will include the entrance lobby, a leasing office and resident community room on Cypress Avenue. Parking will be accessed from two entrances and exits along Cypress Avenue. The remainder of the ground level and the second level will be used for storage and parking, which will yield a total of 134 parking stalls. The upper five stories will consist of 83 apartment units, including a mix of four one-bedroom units, 76 two-bedroom units and three three-bedroom units. The attached plans give a schematic project description
Community Benefits
SSFMC Section 20.280.005.A “Increased Density and FAR Incentive Program” allows an increase to the maximum density and FAR permitted for a building with the approval of a Conditional Use Permit if the public benefits that are included as part of a development project demonstrate a positive contribution that is above and beyond the minimum required impact fees and other requirements of the particular project. The maximum density allowed by-right in the DTC district is 100 units per acre, while the maximum density inclusive of the incentive program is 120 units per acre. For the project site, this equates to 69 units and 83 units, respectively.
Pursuant to Section 20.280.005 of the Zoning Ordinance, an applicant that seeks increased unit density shall provide public benefits. There are several public benefits enumerated in the Zoning Ordinance from which the applicant can choose. To allow the increased density of 14 units, the applicant is proposing the following public benefits:
• A total of six (6) Below Market Rate (BMR) units
o For Very Low Income (VLI) category – 1 one-bedroom and 1 two-bedroom;
o For Low Income (LI) category – 1 one-bedroom and 2 two-bedroom;
o For Moderate (MI) category – 1 two-bedroom
• Construction of Streetscape Improvements as identified in the Downtown Station Area Specific Plan and the Municipal Code.
o Undergrounding of all overhead utilities along the project frontages.
o Vaulting and/or re-locating traffic signal boxes at Baden/Airport.
o Reconstructing of all sidewalks and curb ramps and removal of curb-cuts along the project frontages.
o Widening the sidewalk width along Cypress to meet the 12-foot width requirement.
o Installation of street trees, pedestrian lights and other street furniture.
A neighborhood meeting was held on May 27, 2015 in which approximately 17 residents attended. Concerns raised at the meeting included the following:
• The project is too tall.
• The project may have inadequate parking.
• What type of water will be used for dust control?
• What will be the public benefits?
• The Downtown has inadequate parking to support all the new development.
• The project complies with the height requirements.
• The project complies with the parking provisions of the Zoning Ordinance. The project is in keeping with General Plan Principles to increase residential densities within ¼ mile of the Caltrain Station
and in areas proximate to Grand Avenue to increase patronage of Caltrain as well as Grand Avenue businesses, as well as, the surrounding public parking, including the Miller Avenue Parking Garage.
• The City has no provisions to require non-potable water for dust mitigation during demolition or construction; however, the Planning Commission may require it as a condition of approval.
• The applicant will be providing the following benefits:
o Six Below Market Units
o Streetscape improvements
• The City is beginning the process of studying the current and future public parking needs within the downtown. It is staff’s opinion that with the current proposed developments, the parking supply is adequate.
The proposed project seeks to transform an underutilized site into a high-density mixed-use development that will serve as a gateway project to downtown, bring new residents into close proximity to the Caltrain station and assist in creating a pedestrian-friendly activity center that 83-unit, high-quality residential development that furthers the City’s vision for transit-oriented development proximate to the South San Francisco Caltrain Station, in keeping ith the vision of the General Plan, including the Housing Element, and the Downtown Station Area Specific Plan District standards and guidelines.
Therefore, staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution approving the Use Permit and Design Review based on the attached draft findings and subject to the attached draft conditions of approval.
Where can we apply for the units?
No mention of where and what time this meeting is to take place.
Hi Angie,
Thank you for bringing this to our attention and we are adding that pertinent information to the article. The Planning Commission Meeting will take place Thursday June 4th at the MSB 33 Arroyo Drive at 7pm. More information can be found on the City website HERE.
Thank you.
Who would the clients apply with for an interest list or the wait list for low income units?