South San Francisco’s Recycled Water Project

South San Francisco, CA      June 23, 2015                    

Residents of South San Francisco have continued conserving water which has resulted in the State Water Resource Board mandating a lower percentage of conservation, especially as compared to our neighbors in Hillsborough. Many are looking at additional ways to conserve and are eying how agencies from our City to the Cemeteries to local Golf Courses have made changes. There is a special interest in reclaimed water so this information from our City website is timely to share. We will be adding updates to this progress as we receive them.

The Cities of South San Francisco and San Bruno, the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC), and California Water Service Company (CalWater) are jointly pursuing a project to produce and distribute recycled water in the South San Francisco and San Bruno area. Recycled Water would be produced at the South San Francisco/San Bruno Water Quality Control Plant located in South San Francisco.

The purpose of the project is to reduce consumption of surface, imported, and potable water and reduce local groundwater pumping. The project would also reduce wastewater discharges to San Francisco Bay. Diversifying the area’s water supply portfolio through the use of available local water sources such as recycled water would ensure that a reliable water supply is available in the even of a major earthquake, drought, or a decline in the snow pack.

recycled water project SSF

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