South San Francisco, CA August 2, 2015

NNO helps build stronger, safer neighborhoods block by block. If YOU don’t own your block, who does?
South San Francisco resident Angelica Peradotto is the winner for our annual National Night Out GAME ON contest. Peradotto entered the contest on behalf of her Francisco Terrace neighborhood. “We will be celebrating NNO on Francisco Terrace block!! it’s so special because I didn’t grow up there but everyone in the neighborhood makes me feel like I lived there forever they are so kind and considerate and look out for each other” Peradotto said. “Thank you for making the Terrace my home for me and my family. What we would like to see different besides the new park is to have everyone one come home and be neighbors again. so many of us had damage to our homes from the storm in December I would just like too walk down the block and see everyone again like I did before instead of empty houses. I can’t wait to see everyone.”

Francisco Terrace neighborhood was hit hardest by the Dec 2014 storm & flooding Photo Scott Poggenburg
The Francisco Terrace neighborhood was hit hard in the December 2014 storm which flooded out several homes and caused some neighbors to be evacuated. A few neighbors have still not been able to move back into their homes eight months later.
Peradotto won the $50 gift card for South City Grocery Outlet which was donated by the owners, Michelle and Dave Radcliffe, who are also South City neighbors.
We greatly appreciate their support of our GAME ON contests and we ask our neighbors to support those who support us!
National Night Out is an annual event that takes place across the country on the first Tuesday in August from 6-8pm. Neighbors are encouraged to come outside their home and meet with each other, to catch up on local news, build stronger relationships which in turn create a safer, and happier, community.
Other South City neighborhoods participating in this year’s event include:
West Winston Manor; One of the strongest neighborhoods in our City, Winston Manor is credited with an amazing group of folks that continue to set up events including the annual National Night Out with Hot Dogs & Chips & more at Clay Park for local neighbors. More info contact HOA Pres Cindy Alger
Paradise Valley: Meeting on Drake Avenue is also an annual event for NNO. Local neighbors stop by between 6-8pm Food & drinks. Calwater will be on hand to give out FREE conservation material & supplies & FREE Gift Card Raffle. More info contact the Silvas
Avalon Park – Brentwood Homeowner Assn: As they are restarting their HOA, the APBHOA invites local neighbors to meet at the Avalon Park on Dorado Way, Hot Dogs & Drinks will be provided and Calwater will be on hand to give out FREE conservation material. For more info contact Interim Pres Steve Carey
Old Town: The Historic Old Town HOA is also restartingthe HOA and will meet at the Boys & Girls Club on Hillside Blvd 5:30 with food & raffle tickets for sale and walk through the Sterling Terrace neighborhood. More info CLICK HERE
Remember if YOU don’t own your block, who does? Join your neighbors on Tuesday August 4th and be part of a stronger community block by block. We all benefit!
More on What to do for NNO, etc CLICK HERE
Everything South City invited neighbors to enter the NNO GAME ON by letting us know what neighborhood they were in that was participating in NNO and what they like about their neighborhood or would like to see changed. Below are the entries we received:
FRANCISCO TERRACE by Angelica Peradotto:
We will be celebrating NNO on Francisco Terrace block!! it’s so special because i didn’t grow up there but everyone in the neighborhood makes me feel like I lived there forever they are so kind and considerate and look out for each other. thank you for making the terrace my home for me and my family. what we would like to see different besides the new park is to have everyone one come home and be neighbors again. so many of us had damage to our homes from the storm in December I would just like too walk down the block and see everyone again like I did before instead of empty houses. I can’t wait to see everyone.
We are hosting an NNO event in Avalon Park, on Dorado Way near the baseball field. We encourage all of our neighbors to attend and help make this outing fun. Please contact my email if you would like to help out with this project or future community outreach work that we are doing. ( [email protected] ) See our FACEBOOK page for updates
- What makes Avalon Park / Brentwood Great?
A: We are a quiet neighborhood. A drive through our neighborhoods will show you pleasant settings and scenic vistas. Our neighborhoods are well established. We are an important part of South San Francisco history. An important part of our neighborhood is the long held tradition of well kept homes and friendly neighbors. On my block, we are fortunate to enjoy wonderful neighbors who gather regularly for birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. Home is also a place where some of the best of friends live, and this has been important to all of us. - What changes would I like to see in our neighborhoods?
A: I would like to see our Brentwood shopping area return to a few things that I remember. The Brentwood Lodge was a place we all enjoyed very much. To be fair, I have not been to the new restaurant so we need to give it a try. I would like to see maybe an ice cream or gelato shop, a coffee breakfast diner. I am hoping that Centennial Village brings a much better super market and maybe a night spot? We often visit the town areas in Half Moon Bay, San Carlos, and other locations in the bay area. I believe that our Brentwood area could compete with those areas if it is developed in a more modern way.
Our National Night Out is on Drake Avenue and they’ve been doing it for a few years but we only went last year and it was good to meet people that we see sometimes but we didn’t know. Everyone seemed really nice. We moved here a few years ago because we are close to San Francisco where my husband works and I work in San Mateo so we are close to everything. I heard they were going to build on the mountain (Sign Hill) and we don’t want them to do that. Sometimes cars and motorcycles race on the street above our house (Sister Cities Blvd) and we don’t like that because we are afraid cars will fly off the road and hit our house like they did before we lived here. But mostly we really like it here.
WEST WINSTON MANOR by Ava Marie Romero:
My peeps in West Winston Manor are the best community ever, I love my people. They love Chef Ava right back! We have our block party at Clay Avenue Park between Clay and Dundee drive. We been doing it for 4 years in a row, and were super excited ESC!
The only changes I would like to see is
- Maybe if i were to do a cooking demo, I recently taught a cooking class at South San Francisco library I have 20 students and they were inspired. So maybe for 2016 I’ll do my hometown live cooking demo, I know it’s too late this year. But next year I’ll possibly do a cooking demo. Neighbors want that. It would be something light and fresh like salsas and relishes nothing on the heat or stove like.
- Also the neighborhood should consider hosting a raffle for non board members (neighbors as well) they done that before, but not at national night out so that I would like to see. And good company is always best! They will have hot dogs, chips and drink at 6-8pm I’m going be there, so will the neighbors of West Winston Manor! But overall we are the best of the best!
Historic Old Town Homeowners Renters by Juan
As so. HOTHRA Invite you to celebrate. National Night Out August 4 5:30-8PM We meet at Spruce and Hillside Blvd After the walk join us for refreshments.
Congratulations to Angelica Peradotto! Your neighbors in Avalon Park and Brentwood support your recovery efforts from the December 2014 flood. Call on us to help if you need support on your flood issues. Let’s make South City the best that it can be!