South San Francisco, CA August 31, 2015

Their daily walk down El Camino Real brought smiles to everyone they saw Photo Credit: Vinny Vance
It is amazing what one man and his dog can do to inspire and uplift people years after simple acts are no longer played out. Many years ago we had a Brentwood neighbor, Mayo Solar, who along with his best friend Rusty, would walk up and down El Camino Real. Rusty always held a sign in his mouth with the simple saying ‘HAVE A NICE DAY’. This daily occurrence continued for years to the delight of our small town.
Although times have changed and our City has grown, many remember Mr Solar and Rusty with heart warming gratitude as we can see from the comments posted to our FB page when South City native Vinny Vance shared his photos. “Someone mentioned this duo a couple of months ago, and I said I had a photo somewhere…well, here it is” Vance writes “I pulled my car over when I saw him that day, because I had my camera right there with me for once…”
When Rusty died, neighbors had a statue created that looked like Rusty, complete with a sign held in it’s mouth ‘HAVE A NICE DAY’. This was placed in Mr Solar’s front yard on Northwood. Although he did not adopt another dog, Mr Solar would walk a neighbors dog. Eventually we lost Mr Solar and his home was sold, the statue now long gone.
However their memories live on as nearly 800 people ‘LIKED’ the photo and post on our FB page which received over 125 comments and 120 shares. Please feel free to share your own memories in our comment section below.
What an incredible legacy they both have left our City as we all take time to remind each other ‘HAVE A NICE DAY’.
- Mary I remember these two very well! Thx for posting.
- Oscar Hey, I remember those two! I always returned a smile and a bark.
- Carla Rusty!!!
- Theresa Brings back good memories of driving to work everyday
- Eric Thanks for sharing Vinny. I waved to them everyday on the way to work at Longs Drugs, Bayhill..
- Justina I remember them! Thanks for sharing!
- Scott Wow ,,, he was a nice guy ,,,, great memory
- Angel I remember him around Brentwood and on the El Camino. Nice man.
- Carole I remember seeing them on El Camino ♡
- Anna I remember them
- Nancy Wow Vinny, such an awesome picture, Great Memories
- Charlie Man, that sure put a smile on my face! Thx ssf.
- Brian My wife & I were just telling our daughter how awesome they were. What happiness & joy they brought everyone.
- Diane OMG I remember that!!
- Michael He lived in Brentwood area and yes they walked everywhere.
- Diana Thanks for sharing this. What a great memory.
- Jodi I worked at the Home Savings on El Camino in San Bruno and I saw this guy and his Fabulous dog all the time! And just spoke of them the other day, so great to see this photo!!
- Kathy I remember them
- Carol Ohhh I loved them I always saw them walking down el camino
- Leisha I remember them.
- Cynthia Oh right on, these two used to make my morning!!!
- Michelle I LOVED it when I’d spot the have a nice day man and his dog. I’d always wave and he’d wave back. Really made my day when I’d see them!
- Rob Wow great picture – great flashback.
- Mel I always gave them a wave smile emoticon
- Charlene I remember them. The news did a story on them and showed how he brushed his dogs teeth and the walks they took on El Camino everyday
- Sundy Thanks Vinny I was telling my grandkids, now I can show the photo..
- Angela He was such a sweet man smile emoticon
- Christina Fond memories of going to Ssfhs and seeing them walking & waving
- Vinny I pulled my car over when I saw him that day, because I had my camera right there with me for once…
- Everything South City Thank you for doing that Vinny Vance and for sharing this now.
- Sally I remember honking my car horn. Always waving. Such a kind man a great dog. Those were the days.
- Brandi I remember them. Always brought a smile to my face
- Rich To let you all know, I found out that he is an uncle of mine, known to me as my uncle Mayo Solar.
- Patricia Is he still alive?
- Nina No he passed years ago
- Pamela Up and down El Camino. We suffered a great loss when he passed away.
- Patricia Sorry, I just saw the next message. You were blessed to have such a WONDERFUL Uncle! Think of all the lives he changed on a daily basis!
- Angela Meeee… He lived down the street from my mom.. I still think about them every time I pass by.
- Veronica I remember
- Steven I remember them too. Just a note, all those trees that you see lining El Camino in the pic are now gone. The area looks terrible without the trees.
- Patricia I have seen it…..ERGH! Why is it cities, don’t care about trees anymore
- Patrica Vinny, thank goodness you took the time out of your busy day so long ago and far away. It’s already making me feel better,just remembering him! THANK YOU SO MUCH!
- Karla Wonderful picture & wonderful memory! Thank you.
- Eileen I remember this sweet man and his dog!
- Michelle I remember how excited I always was when we saw them. What a great memory!!
- Margie Yes! Fond memories. kind and gentle man with a beautiful heart. Everyday, those two wold bring smiles and laughter from the kids while driving to school.
- Susan Omg I remember these two
- Robert Love it
- Karen He lived just around the corner from me
- Mary I remember him!!!!
- Manny Made my day every time
- Melissa remember this?
- Thelma I do remember this.
- Rob Yes, I remember them well.
- Sue heart emoticon
- Lorene I remember this and always looked for them when I drove on the El Camino. Put a smile on my face.
- Louisa I so remember this lovely man, walked El Camino Rl every morning lived in Brentwood . Thanks for sharing such nice memories
- Evelyn I remember RIP my friend….
- Laurie I used to live a few doors down from them. He had a statue of his dog in his front yard. Bless them both.
- Patricia That’s so NEAT! He made a statue of his dog! Is the statue still there? I’d so like to go and see it!
- Nina No it’s not When the new owners bought the house years ago they got rid of it
- Karla I had heard the statue had been stolen.
- Laurie Oh no! That’s terrible!
- Muriel I do i usd to talk to him. !!!!!
- Julie Yea Vinny. You were just saying how you were throwing out a ton of negatives. Glad you still had this one….
- Melissa I so remember him loved to see this as a kid,
- Laura I remember them
- Kerry I remember them!
- Renee Love him
- Judy What a great memory! So enjoyed this kind man and his dog for many years!
- Georgia Oh my gosh! I remember seeing the duo & would wave as I went by. I remember reading about Rusty’s passing. This brings back happy memories. Thanks!
- Audrey Awe so miss seeing these two everyday… Always brought a smile…
- John I remember
- Mary Remember him
- Everardo I remember him:)
- Christie Memories smile emoticon
- Renee Wonderful man and dog. Loved seeing them. Always made you smile!
- Skip I remember this
- Donna I remember this, he did this everyday!
- Darlene El camino. Every day. Put a smile on my face
- Dorothy Awwww….I remember
- Joanne I remember them, what a sweet man and adorable dog….we need someone else to do this now
- Ursula I remember both of them also!
- Gina Wow I remember them. I loved see them walking down El Camino Real.
- Fran He lived in Brentwood. I think on Northwood.
- Dana He did, Rusty!
- Sandy I saw him every day! Always put a smile on my face smile emoticon
- Jennifer I always honked and waved at them. They totally made my day!
- Jeanette I remember it well !
- Patricia This precious memory warms my heart. We were all so lucky to have him and Rusty in our daily lives. Ditto on “we need this again!” The world would be such a brighter place!
- Roxanne I remember the other man with his dog in the BayArea, SSF, San Bruno, dog walk for many, many years.
- Tracy So awesome
- Asa Totally!!!!!
- Clara I totally remember him.
- Amy Great pic. He had a memorial for rusty in his front yard , it was always great to see him everyday.
- Sandra Thanks Again Vinny Vance,,,Always the consumate Professional…jrs
- Lisa Omg that was definitely a great memory
- Erin I remember his house with the statue of the dog with the sign. Great memory.
- Fernando YUP every day
- Darcy Great memory – thanks for sharing!
- Daryl He was a really nice guy and Rusty was a really good dog.
- James Smile!
- Andrea Awww…I remember them. I would honk my horn everyday and wave on my way to work in Bayhill. It always melted my heart and made my morning nicer.
- Maura Remembers him and he would wave to you as u drove by ?
- Butch Remember seeing them daily for years
- Russ I remember seeing him everyday near the corner of spruce and el camino
- Jeff Great guy, cool dog
- Denise Loved him and his dog.
- Leary “Ya” around the Brentwood bowl many times ,he was a happy guy
- Stacey He was my neighbor! Warmed my heart to see this pic. Thanks for sharing!
- Sharon i remember him and Rusty well and they brightened my day as we exchanged waves.
- Renee Thank you so much!!!! I always waved to him and his dog and he always waved back. Improved my day so many times! I always loved seeing him.
- Vickie What a wonderful picture!! Thanks so much for sharing!
- Cindy I remember them! Happy memory!
- Theresa I so remember them. Think their was a statue of Rusty on his front lawn.
- Sandra Seen him every morning on my way to school
- Linda Every morning on my way to work, I honked and waved.
- Marta Wonder what happened to the statue of Rusty?
- Jeannine Oh wow I saw him daily for years
- Steve I remember.
- Dayna Remember the good times. He lived right up the from me.
- Sonia I so remember them! On my way to work every morning
- Marilyn I remember them
- Susan He was such a sweet man.
- Ken I love it. Keep it local. Props to Vinny & Rusty.
- Norah I also remember them
- Wesley I used to live in San Bruno and I remember them on El Camino Real.
- Bruna Who doesn’t, remember… Always brought a smile to my face!! Thank you for the memories!
- Lola Great picture thanks
- Donna Always will remember. Mr. Mayo Solar, and Rusty were best friends. And I even think that they made it on TV once too.
- Rob I remember them.
- Chele When Rusty died Mayo walked this guy Angelo… He was ours. He never wanted another dog.
We loved Mayo my kids called him Papa. - Suzanne I remember him.
- Teresa I knew him and his wife Mary very well! Great picture amazing man. When I was a little girl living on Easton he would walk me to school, Allen Elementary almost every morning. Miss him so much!!!!
- David I loved that guy
- Judy Definitely made me smile every day!
- Ray Lived in Brentwood and saw this gentleman every day walking.
- Jennifer Awwww I remember him ! He lived on same block as me just a couple houses down when I was a lil girl
- Jose Good times! I remember seeing him on El Camino Real in San Bruno walking past Melody Toyota, brightened my day!
- DianaEvery morning
- Linda I definitely remember him! He lived a few blocks from my parents. There was a statue of his dog in his front yard that is no longer there. I miss seeing it.
- Alberta Great memory!
- Teri What a great story
- Donna I lived in Brentwood and he would always smile and wave. We need more people like him in the world today. And Rusty….what a gem! They loved each other and it showed. Great memory!!
- Laurie I remember seeing him every day on my way to work! What a “day brightener” !
- Jeannie I remember seeing him on my way to work. Always smiling!
- Karen Oh yes we remember him well!
- Scott He always made my day
- David. I remember this duo. Always put a smile on my face. Couldn’t pass them up without honking and waving back to them. Thanks for the post it put another smile on my face!
- Elizabeth I remember him. It always made me smile.
- Randy I saw this guy and his companion everywhere around San Bruno. Rusty never tired of carrying that sign around.
They lived up the street so I saw them daily great people and awesome dog
My grandmother lived next door to Mayo and his wife Mary since the early 60’s so our families were very close. I remember spending many summer vacations (in the early to mid 80s)and any breaks that I had from school over there and always playing with the dog Rusty. So many fond memories of a wonderful man and his dog. I also remember the news station coming to the front yard when Mayo was surprised with the statue of Rusty.
I saw them each morning on my way to work. Gave me a smile and lifted my heart when I waved to them. They will never be forgotten.
Thank you. he cheered up many a day for me. I was always thrilled when I waved at him and he waved back.