San Mateo County Offers Class Civics 101

South San Francisco, CA   August 28, 2015 San Mateo County icon Everything South City

Have a question about local government? Wonder where your tax dollars go? Then Civics 101 is for you!

Civics 101 is a nine-week program that provides participants with an in-depth look at County programs, services and finances. The class meets Tuesday evenings from 6:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., starting September 15, 2015 and ending November 10, 2015. In addition, there are two Saturday sessions of about two hours each, to be announced. Please see application information toward the bottom of this page.
Civics 101 is also an opportunity for us to learn from you. What are your priorities for improving the quality of life for all on the Peninsula? What do you care about? What are your ideas? We want to know. We will also encourage graduates to serve on our many boards and commissions, where volunteers like you work to improve our community.
The program is free for participants. Light snacks will be provided before each evening meeting. Classes meet in the Board of Supervisors chambers in the Hall of Justice, 400 County Center, Redwood City, unless otherwise noted.

SCHEDULE (subject to change):

Sept. 15: Welcome and County Overview
Sept. 22: All about Money: (Budget Director, Treasurer/Tax Collector, Assessor and Controller) Meet at 555 County Center
Sept. 29: Countywide Initiatives: (Sustainability, Measure A, Open Data, Legislation)
Oct. 6: Health System: (Health System Overview) Meet at San Mateo Medical Center, 222 W. 39th Ave, San Mateo
Oct. 13: Sheriff’s Office: (Sheriff’s welcome, K-9 demonstration, SWAT team, Office of Emergency Services, Public Safety Dispatch)
Oct. 20: Community Services: (Libraries, Public Works, Planning and Building, LAFCO)
Oct. 27: The Justice System: (Probation, Judiciary, District Attorney, Private Defender Program) Meet in courtroom to be determined
Nov. 3: Human Services Agency: Meet at South Bay Recycling Center, 333 Shoreway Road, San Carlos (tour of Recycling Center). Class then drives a short distance to 400 Harbor Blvd. in Belmont, Bldg B, for remainder of program (HSA Overview)
Nov. 10: Graduation: (Also Human Resources, County Counsel, Boards and Commissions)


CLICK HERE FOR APPLICATION,  complete and return the application  as per the instructions on the form. ENROLLMENT IS LIMITED!

Questions? Contact Eric Forgaard at [email protected] or 650-363-4657

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