Mike’s Musings: Jerry Hill Wants More Sales Tax

South San Francisco, CA     September 22, 2015   Submitted by Michael Harris


SMC County Journal Monday has front page article Jerry Hill wants more sales tax.  (CLICK HERE TO READ ARTICLE)


We need better roads for all the people coming in to SMC to take advantage of the economic opportunities.


Article states combined city & county sales tax cannot exceed 2% over state sales tax.


I think some cities in Alameda have 10% sales tax.


The people in SSF who brought you Measure J, now want Measure W for more damage. (CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO ON MEASURE J – 1/2 cent tax on this November 2015 ballot for SSF Voters)



I suggested instead a per capita tax for residents & people working in the city.


My property tax in SSF & Reno now total $2400+ a year.


Income is $587 VA Disability.


Jerry Hill never met a tax he did not like.


Looks like no SS inflation increase in 2016.

Maybe retirees will be more careful with their meager income & not spend it on fast food or coffee shops.

I am now on the Jackie Speier reduced food diet.

Frig is almost empty, must buy lettuce soon.


Why does not the city tax the Wealthy Realtors who sell homes here?


How much has Carole contributed to SSF coffers for the many millions in homes she has sold here?


We need some Hope & Change in SSF.


Gina Papan is running again for Millbrae City Council.

Term limits did not work very well there either.


Redistrict SSF into 5 council districts:

3 West of El Camino

2 East of El Camino


We are suffering taxation without representation in NW section of SSF.



Michael Harris has a long time following to his regular musings on life and he has granted Everything South City the privilege to share his writings with our followers. Harris was in the first graduating class from El Camino High School in 1964.  He further served in the military during the Vietnam Era and also in Desert Storm. His life experience includes; USNR Radioman, USMM Radio Officer, Auto Mechanic. He has earned a MS in Statistics, BS in Statistics, BA in Psychology, a Minor in Anthropology, AA CSM. He qualified for his Ham Radio license in 1960 and  received his first set of tools Christmas 1951 and has been interested in electronics since 1953. Harris resides in South City in the home his parents bought in June 1959. He offers an interesting perspective on a variety of subjects.
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SSF neighbor
SSF neighbor
8 years ago

All cities are having issues with money. We build, build, and of course they’ll come! Duh.

Howabout if California puts a closed sign to those from impoverished states to come here and find a give-away program.

I’m so tired of paying taxes! Jerry Hill is my kind of guy, but we part company at increased sales taxes.