Update on Centennial Village Shopping Center & Housing

South San Francisco, CA       December 3, 2015

Update on Centennial Village: Last Night March 22nd, City Council denied 3rd Amendment to take away some of the Prevailing Wage agreed upon by Developer. Instead voted to go into default proceedings. Developer has 30 days to come up with new plan. After 30 Days, city will vote to cancel project. – Jaime Gonzalez

Plans are being finalized and this could become a reality

Neighbors wait patiently for a new Safeway, and all that will come with it.

As neighbors continue to wait patiently for a new Safeway to open up at the former site at 180 El Camino Real, they will be happy to know the project is still moving forward, albeit slower than most would like to see.

This Thursday evening the Planning Commission will hold a public meeting on the revised signage for the 4 entry ways along with additional signage for the parking lot and buildings.  To review the full staff report CLICK HERE. All renderings are from ssf.net and can be found on the staff report.

All comments on this agenda item must be made at the **December 4th Public Hearing which will be held at 7pm at the MSB 33 Arroyo Drive. Because these signs will be illuminated all nearby residents are encouraged to be aware of this meeting and to weigh in with opinions.

**UPDATE Typo on date- Meeting was Dec 3rd- All Planning Commission Meetings are on Thursdays Thank you to Jennifer Smith for the correction. Apologies for the inconvenience.

To read more about this development on Everything South City please CLICK HERE.

From the Planning Commission:

If this is the first time you have been to a Commission meeting, perhaps you’d like to know a little about our procedure.

Under Oral Communications, at the beginning of the meeting, persons wishing to speak on any subject not on the Agenda will have 3 minutes to discuss their item. The Clerk will read the name and type of application to be heard in the order in which it appears on the Agenda. A staff person will then explain the proposal. The first person allowed to speak will be the applicant, followed by persons in favor of the application. Then persons who oppose the project or who wish to ask questions will have their turn.

If you wish to speak, please fill out a card (which is available near the entrance door) and give it, as soon as possible, to the Clerk at the front of the room. When it is your turn, she will announce your name for the record.

The Commission has adopted a policy that applicants and their representatives have a maximum time limit of 20 minutes to make a presentation on their project. Non-applicants may speak a maximum of 3 minutes on any case. Questions from Commissioners to applicants or non-applicants may be answered by using additional time.

When the Commission is not in session, we’ll be pleased to answer your questions if you will go to the Planning Division, City Hall, 315 Maple Avenue or telephone (650) 877-8535 or by e-mail at [email protected].


Proposed signage for entrances into Centennial Village

Proposed signage for entrances into Centennial Village

bldg & parking lot configuration 12.2015

This rendering also allows us insight into the Center’s configuration including location of anchor stores and parking lot design.

Signage Entry Monument 12.2015 Public Hearing


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