South San Francisco, CA March 22, 2016
As it has been said for years, Industrial is not a bad word, it means we are industrious people and know how to pull up our sleeves and get the job done – no matter what industry calls us home. We have gone from dairy farms to meat packing plants and industrial steel fabrication and manufacturing to the worlds biotech home. Our location brings us many advantages including the San Francisco International Airport and the Ports of San Francisco and Oakland. With our local world class universities, coupled with cultural experiences second to none, South San Francisco continues to be poised for great things.
#SSF #Industry #Innovation #Home #Work #Play #WeDoItAll
in·dus·tri·ous adjective diligent and hard-working.
synonyms: hard-working, diligent, assiduous, conscientious, steady, painstaking, sedulous, persevering, unflagging, untiring, tireless, indefatigable, studious; busy, as busy as a bee, active, bustling, energetic, on the go, vigorous, determined, dynamic, zealous, productive
There was a time when South San Francisco was not just a city of Industrious people, but was a city of Industry. SSF was the home of such great industrial leaders as Bethlehem Steel, a hard working steel plant that was part of the WWII war effort with many a ship actually being built and launched from these waters. Large meat packers such as Dubuque and of course other industrial companies. Though SSF is not as industrial as she once was, she has done great things in here life, she has earned the title “Industrial City”.