South San Francisco, Ca April 26, 2016
At the request of our neighbors we are sharing the power point presentation that SSFDPW Director Brian McMinn will be presenting tomorrow evening at the City Council meeting, updating the community on the Street Light Pilot Program that has been done in West Winston Manor. This neighborhood has found their street lights are further a part than most other neighborhoods thereby making the new LED lighting even more difficult for them to navigate the sidewalks in safety. This pilot program was started earlier this year and consisted of installing three different types of lights: alternative distribution lights, higher wattage lights, or a combination of higher wattage and different distribution lights on the following streets as part of a two-month study. This blind test was done so there would be no preconceived perceptions on the lighting being tested.
To read more about the West Winston Manor light pilot program CLICK HERE. To read comments on the new lighting from neighbors across our City CLICK HERE.
To view the powerpoint presentation directly from the City website CLICK HERE. To view the full agenda CLICK HERE
The City Council meeting will take place at 7pm at the MSB 33 Arroyo Drive. It can also be viewed on your local TV station Astound CH 26 &Comcast CH 27. It is also live stream on the City website CLICK HERE
Thanks to ESC for helping to publicize this meeting.
Looks like Public Works and City Council are finally taking this seriously.
Last night’s meeting was a success. The City Council patiently listened to all our comments about POOR STREET LIGHTING and they contributed to the discussion by highlighting the fact that there needs to be more discussion and a better solution than what is currently in place. I’m very happy that our concerned residents and City Officials are making this a priority.
– ED
Thanks for this ESC.
I live on Theresa Drive. A one-long-block street in the flat part of The Highlands, between Buri-Buri and Junipero Serra. Our house is on the southeast side of the street, near the middle of the block. The two streetlights on our block are on our southeast side as well.
The streetlight to the south of us is 100′ from our front walk. The streetlight to the north is 140′ from our front walk.
While the areas around both lights are well-lit at night, the area in front of my house to my neighbor’s walkway to the south and my two neighbor’s walkways to the north. A total of about 120′ is in total darkness unless we have our outside/porch lights on. The distance of the darkness is even longer on the other side of the street. This is an unsafe situation that demands action.
Unfortunately, our City plunged into changing out our previous High Pressure Sodium for LED streetlights in an effort to save money. While laudable, we are now faced with spending quite a bit more to correct this problem. This is because the city-specified criteria that the new lights meet or exceed the lighting qualities of the old were not adhered to by contractor PG&E. The City did not hold them to its own specifications and signed the contract as presented. We expect so much more of our city.
My apologies for my error above. There are THREE streetlights on Theresa Drive, not two. The distances from my house to the two closest lights are as I stated above. The third light is way up the street to the north of us.