SSFPD Media Release:Residential Burglary

South San Francisco, CA    January 17, 2017   Submitted by SSFPD 

On January 16, 2017 at approximately 8:00am, an alert neighbor on the 500 block of Orange Avenue noticed a suspicious person walking around her neighbor’s residence. The suspect  then  went toward the rear yard of the residence. The neighbor immediately called the police and  reported  the  prowler. South San Francisco Police Officers responded and found a broken lower level window to the residence. Moments later, the suspect was contacted as he was climbing out of the residence through the broken window. The suspect was carrying a duffle bag containing items stolen from within the residence. The suspect was taken into custody without incident and arrested for burglary and possession of burglary tools.  The resident was not home at the time of the  burglary.


Arrested: Unemployed San Francisco resident 21 year old Jamel Anthony Patchell

CHARGES             I  460(a)PC, 466 PC

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