South San Francisco, CA April 24, 2017 Submitted by South San Francisco Unified School District

SSFUSD Superintendent Dr Moore, SSFUSD Board President Rosa Acosta, Spruce Principal Mr. Israel Castillo, Congresswoman Jackie Speier, SSF City Councilwoman Karyl Matsumoto proudly displaying the Congressional Record bestowed upon the 100 year Spruce Campus PHOTO: SSFUSD
What’s simply fantastic…
On Saturday, April 22nd the Spruce Elementary school community came together and celebrated 100 years of educational excellence. Congresswoman Jackie Speier, Spruce alumna, kicked off the event presenting current principal, Mr. Israel Castillo, with a Congressional Record, which permanently marks the occasion on the official record of the proceedings of the United States Congress. SSFUSD School Board President Ms. Rosa Acosta and SSFUSD Superintendent Dr. Shawnterra Moore presented Mr. Castillo with a beautiful plaque, which will be permanently placed in front of the school along with a donated Spruce tree.
Big thanks to former Assembly member and former South San Francisco Council member Mr. Gene Mullin, who emceed the event, Council members Ms. Karly Matsumoto and Mr. Mark Addiego, and former SSFUSD principal and SSFUSD Board member, Mr. Emanuel (Midge) Damonte, for speaking at the event. Lastly, big thanks to all the committee members who planned a simply fantastic event!