Brisbane City Council Special Meeting to Discuss the Brisbane Baylands Wednesday 06/07/17, 6:30 p.m.

South San Francisco, Ca   June 1, 2017   Submitted by Brisbane City Hall

The 660 on the bay front in Brisbane encompasses the Brisbane Bayland Development

The City Council’s Special Meeting Agenda to discuss the Brisbane Baylands is listed below. The meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 7, 2017 at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Meeting Room at Brisbane City Hall, 50 Park Place, Brisbane.

City Council Special Meeting to Discuss the Brisbane Baylands

The Brisbane Baylands encompasses approximately 660 acres, generally bordered on the west by Bayshore Boulevard, north by the City and County of San Francisco, east by the U.S. Hwy 101 causeway, and south by Brisbane Lagoon.  It is comprised of a former municipal landfill and former rail yard, and presents both exciting opportunities and formidable challenges for the City.  The site’s history left a legacy of contamination requiring millions of dollars and years of remediation, which is still ongoing.  Yet the remediated site holds the promise of enhanced environmental quality, opportunities for use and enjoyment by Brisbane residents via trails and enhanced open spaces, and new sustainable development contributing to the City’s economic health, social diversity, and environment.

The City is committed to a planning process which engages the community and maximizes opportunities for open dialogue and input along with public review and comment.   You may direct general comments or questions regarding the Baylands to [email protected].   Also, for general information on past and future activities, agenda reports and presentations, see the Sequence of Events.  Some of the most commonly asked questions may be viewed at FAQs.

Latest News

The City Council is currently holding public hearings for the Baylands project and related EIR.  The Council’s next Baylands meeting is scheduled for June 7th, 2017 at 6:30pm – Community Group Presentations. City Council set aside time to hear community groups make presentations regarding the Baylands before the Council considers making its recommendation.  All meetings are held in the Community Meeting Room at City Hall 50 Park Place, Brisbane. Please visit the Baylands Council Proceedings webpage to review their schedule and past meetings.
On August 25, 2016 the Brisbane Planning Commission completed its deliberations and by a vote of 5-0 put forth its recommendation to the City Council. The Planning Commission’s Resolution and their past workshops, hearings and deliberation meetings may be viewed here.
Additional Information
City-Initiated Baylands Survey
The Baylands survey results may be reviewed here.  The City Council received a presentation from the City’s survey consultants regarding these results on October 27, 2015.  This was a mail-in survey sent to all registered voters in Brisbane to gauge community opinions and attitudes on a number of issues pertaining to the Baylands.  The survey was sent out on August 25, 2015 with a response deadline of September 12, 2015.  The survey results are an important factor in the City’s decision-making process for the Baylands.
Fiscal/Economic Analysis of Potential Future Development for the Baylands
The City hired an independent consultant (Keyser Marston Associates) to evaluate some of the fiscal/economic issues associated with potential future development of the Baylands. Specifically they analyzed the potential fiscal impacts of some development scenarios on the City of Brisbane’s General Fund, and looked at broader economic feasibility considerations pertaining to future development.  Please visit the Fiscal and Economic Information page to review the reports and view the presentation.
The Baylands Draft EIR and the Final EIR are available for review online and at City Hall and the Brisbane Library.
EIR Process
The Environmental Impact Report Process page includes information and links to EIR-related activities prior to publication of the draft EIR.
Baylands Sustainability Framework
On November 5th, 2015, the City Council accepted the Final Baylands Sustainability Framework which can be found here.
Specific Plan and Infrastructure Plan
In February 2011, Universal Paragon Corporation (UPC) released their submitted draft Baylands Specific Plan.

Public Space Master Plan 
In developing a community-based alternative for the Baylands, it became clear that the public space component would be vital to the success of the plan. In 2009, a Public Space Master Plan was developed and integrated into the Community Alternative.
Baylands Speaker Series
In preparation for the development of alternatives to the project, the City engaged several speakers to focus on the relevant topics to this process, which may be viewed at the Baylands Speaker Series.
To learn more about contamination and remediation issues in the Baylands, please view the Remediation page.
Other Information

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