South San Francisco, CA July 9, 2017 from our FB pg

Be sure to check your facts before sharing information, especially things that may cause undue concern or hurt.
**Neighborhood Alert** There is a screen shot going around suggesting there was an attempted kidnapping in the Brentwood neighborhood and we have confirmed with South San Francisco Police Department facts – as we remind everyone to always be mindful and contact #SSFPD If ever there is a concern!! Please help share this update so other parents will understand the facts behind this incident and know that our police are involved and always looking out for our safety.
From @SSFPD:
“There is nothing recently reported in SSF that would corroborate the text message that was screen shot and sent in to ESC & others. The case we investigated back on 06/22 was in the Brentwood Neighborhood but it did not involve anyone attempting to take a child out of a vehicle. It involved the reporting of a suspicious incident whereas the driver of a vehicle gestured for two children to walk over to his vehicle at which time the kids ran to their house and the parents reported the incident to the police.
At this time we do not have any reports of an attempted kidnap and if we did I assure you, and our residents, that we would be thoroughly investigating the incident and keeping our residents informed”
Thank you to all who have expressed concern and have contacted ESC and those on and please help share the confirmed info from our police department. Thanks!!

This screen shot has been shared over 200 times in SSF creating a fear where only continued caution should be. SSFPD have no report of this incident, however there was a report from the Brentwood area that may seem similar to those uninformed.