Tips for the Most Successful Garage Sale EVER Thanks to SSF Scavengers!

South San Francisco, CA   August 17, 2017  Submitted by SSF Scavenger Company  

It’s time once again for the annual Citywide Garage Sale on SEPT 9th and Everything South City asked the South San Francisco Scavenger Company for a few tips on making it successful while keeping it earth-friendly. If you are hosting a sale and looking forward to making the rounds through our city garage sale you will find details, registration info, and the   list of participating addresses  on this link CLICK HERE  This is a great opportunity to make some cash, clean out your home, and see your ‘stuff’ become someone else’s treasures!


Scavenger representatives all agree that the best tip is to plan ahead!


  • Register with the City. This will put your address on their interactive map and reduce the need to post signs.


  • Group sale items according to price. Make one sign for all items of the same price. Don’t spend money on individual labels or tags or on fancy signs. Make signs out of cardboard or paper you already have.  Or, if you have reusable chalk or dry erase boards to use, those are even better.


  • Do your best to display items on tables, racks or blankets. Hang clothes if possible. Be sure to leave enough room for shoppers to move around. Provide shade and/or protection from wind.


  • Make sure any battery-powered or electric items can be tested. Have working light bulbs for lamps, and a power strip available. People are more likely to buy something they know will work.


  • Put together a secure cashbox with plenty of small bills and coins to make change.


  • Have reusable or recyclable bags and packaging available to wrap/protect purchases.


  • Know what you will do with items that do not sell. Plan another garage sale, use a consignment shop, post items online (on your fb page, South City Sales FB, Craigslist, EBay, or Nextdoor), or donate to your favorite charity (Goodwill, Salvation Army, St. Vincent De Paul, Habitat for Humanity, etc.). As a last resort, utilize one of your free On-Call Cleanups from South San Francisco Scavenger (single-family homeowners are entitled to two of these every year). Call 650-589-4020 or click here for more information.


Remember YOU can be a huge help in giving new life to old things keeping useful items in circulation and out of landfills PLUS it also reduces the need to use virgin materials to make new stuff. Win/Win!!


Shoppers are important too! If not hosting a sale, grab your reusable shopping bags and hit as many sale sites as you can.


Remember Citywide Clean Up September 16th!! 

The citywide cleanup is scheduled for the weekend following the garage sale allowing you to safely dispose of your electronics at the E-Waste, shred your documents to help prevent identify theft and allow your discarded items to find use again with the Salvation Army who will be on hand. You can also ‘dump’ stuff that has outlived it’s usefulness with the South San Francisco Scavengers Company who will also be there.

More info on the Sept 16th City Wide Clean up can be found CLICK HERE

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