South San Francisco, CA October 27, 2017 from our FB page
Invite us to your events, promote your business, share what is on your mind – YOUR thread all day long – Bring it!
Jennifer Caton Holidays are just around the corner so don’t forget to order cupcakes or cake pops for your next event. Check out my Facebook page at
Carmen Arellano Free computer desk with undermount light.

Erick Ostorga On Nov. 4th my organization at San Francisco State University will be hosting a Benefit Concert. Check out our video!

Jazrel Olvera Order your holiday goodies. Pumpkin tarts,apple/cranberry tarts, ginger creme brûlée tarts,cookies,cakes,cupcakes and this year making chocolate sleds and champagne bottles. Check out

Bruna Ching From 6-8pm. They’ll have bounce house, carnival games, face painting and tons of candy to give away.

Deb Wilborn Tonight at 7pm and tomorrow at 2pm and 7pm – watch the SSFHS Drama Dept put on a little Shakespeare comedy called “Twelfth Night”.
Bhanu Vikram Video in the link…
Victor Amy Fernandez Baez Chase in San Bruno is looking for a part time teller. Inbox me if you are interested. Thanks