Best Western Plus Grosvenor Hotel Offers Furniture for FREE: First Come, First Served

South San Francisco, CA   November 21, 2017  Submitted by Jim McGuire, General Manager Best Western Plus Grosvenor

The Best Western Plus Grosvenor Hotel is upgrading their rooms and are offering their used furniture to the public for free. The furniture is in great shape, as evident by the photos below. First come, first served to pick up this furniture located at the rear entrance of our hotel at 380 South Airport Blvd, South San Francisco.


Free furniture pieces include:

  1. 3-drawer dressers with granite tops
  2. Microwave/refrigerator stands (only stands, refrig or microwave NOT included)
  3. Night stands with 2 drawer
  4. Desks
  5. Side tables


Microwave/refrigerator stands (only stands, refrig or microwave NOT included)



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donation pickup Houston

This is really appreciated that you have presented this data over here, I love all the information shared. It will be very helpful to understand about best western plus Grosvenor hotel offers furniture for free first come first served. Great post to share, thanks for publishing this here!!

7 years ago

Hello I️ would like a 3 drawer dresser