South San Francisco, CA June 14, 2018 by A South San Francisco Resident
Updated Project Cost (2018 estimate in YOE$) CIVIC CAMPUS OUT of CONTROL COSTS
This is the reality of the much unanticipated signature project the city council wants us to pay for, and realizing that it is over the top. Behind closed doors away from pesty citizens the City decided we wanted a new library, rec. center and fire house and police station., but we can’t afford it–, what we the citizens have been saying–even with the Measure W funds For some time, the costs were an astonishing $172M, now it is an eye popping $190M. Come hell or high water they’re going to ‘give it to us’, or leave it for our grandchildren”(the debt) Those were the words they hung on to back in the day when they quietly sent the sales tax measure to the voters.
The city manager admitted that the shortage would be made up by various sources: selling off land, fundraisers , big pocket donors — later to recant and trimmed that pipe dream from $12M to $5M. The Municipal Service Bldg with its historical value is now a maybe sell off and the fire station drops down as an option. Good, we don’t need one. The fire dept. eats a huge chunk of the City’s operating budget. There are only 2% of fire calls per year by current data, but there is more — a topic for another day.
The community wants a swimming pool, but we’re not getting one by the current drawings, our punishment for not showing our appreciation.
It is very important to keep an eye on the city council ; attend meetings and for goodness sakes, speak-up, show them you’re paying attention as some of us Follow the Money!It is the only way to ensure they won’t sneak something through for us to pay for.
*As presented by Asst. City Mgr. Marian Lee: Community Civic Campus Update Project Design:
BASE Design Package $190M
Planning, Program Management, Design, Land $34M
Construction Cost Estimate $156M
Library and Parks & Recreation $103M
Police Facility $54M
Includes 10% contingency
OPTION Design Package $15M
Fire Station in future if funding not available
Cost estimate could change due to code and construction timing
Funding opportunities with MSB land sale / development, Pacific Market site development
EDITORS NOTE: Due to increased concerns of retaliation by City officials more neighbors are requesting to share their information anonymously. If a person can be confirmed by Everything South City as a resident we have agreed to share their information while keeping their name anonymous. While we all prefer to know who our neighbors are that share information we appreciate their efforts and their concerns as we keep to our mission ‘Local hook ups by local folks’.
Measure W has been continues to be a hot topic and more information may be found CLICK HERE.

The proposed Civic Community Development will be located at El Camino Real at Chestnut Ave
Credit: City of SSF
I’ve said before – and repeated it many times. The administration of South San Francisco is in the hands of the “scrub-team”. And our elected councilmembers and appointed committee-persons aren’t able to keep the bumbling fools in check. A department head wants something – he/she’s gonna get it (no matter how imbecilic and unnecessary).
People who have ability to do something of worth in civic management are looking at the “bright lights” of neighboring large cities, or are seeking challenges where the problems are crucial. The guys (and gals) we see here are those who lack talent, vision, and skill – but who are in it for self-promotion and the paycheck.
When the bills come due, they’ll be long gone. We’re going to be stuck with another badly-designed, over priced (and underfunded) piece of garbage that serves nobody. It’ll be just another bullet on somebody’s resume!
Thank you neighbor.
I certainly wish I could just fade away into retirement.
Peggy Deras
Peggy Deras you’re part of those of us watching our reps.I see you’ve been at it for awhile, since at least 2015 when you spoke out for the sloppy handling of the schools remodeling dollars. I sure don’t want to see that repeat itself.
Let’s vote all of these tax and spend people out!
Here is the full staff report:
interesting the cash on hand shown is $ 70M from the City’s presentation. The tax has only been collected 2 yrs. how do they have $70M cash on hand? Fuzzy math.
Thank you Pat!!! agree 100% well said.
It seams as measure w is going the same way measure j went.
Let’s hurry up and spend 30 years of money in 5 ?
Knowing they don’t have enough on measure w to pay for it.
And to borrow 145 million at 4.5 % add another 190 million to it and measure w is only supposed to bring in about 210 million ?
This Counsel and City Manager are going to all be gone and leave us with the mess.
Just like measure j.
Thank you!!!!
I let my feelings be known when the community rose up in opposition to the adjacent 15 story highrise housing. I am as opposed to this as I was to that. It makes absolutely no sense to raze a building as functional as the MSB, simply because our Council Members want a shiny new “playground”. Fine to spend a few million dollars on seismic work, or even a new level for the MSB…But NEVER THIS!
This is NOT what voters approved when we approved Measure W. In fact: I think the whole debacle is worthy of legal action.
I agree with yoLLY!!! Irrsponsible behavior on the part of our civic leaders! I am actually thinking of running for City Council so SSF famlies have SOME representation!!!