South San Francisco, CA September 26, 2018 Press Release
You are cordially invited to attend a dedication ceremony to celebrate the City of South San Francisco’s acquisition of 21 acres of open space on the north side of Sign Hill
Parking is available for reception guests in the Terrabay Gymnasium and Recreation Building Parking lot, 1121 South San Francisco Drive.
Attendees who wish to participate in the optional hike up Sign Hill following the reception will need to drive to the trailhead at the end of Ridgeview Court. Limited parking spaces are available in the small parking lot; parking can also be found on the street (please see map below).
Weather permitting, reception guests will be able to see a panorama of the Friends of Liberty Park open space from the Terrabay Gymnasium patio. Light breakfast refreshments will be served.
R.S.V.P. to the Parks and Recreation Department
by Monday, October 8, 2018
Phone: 650-829-3800
E-mail: [email protected]
Following the dedication ceremony at 11:00 a.m., an optional docent-led hike will provide an opportunity for visitors to look down onto Friends of Liberty Park from the ridge of Sign Hill. Visitors will also have a chance to learn more about the history of the Sign Hill letters, as well as the native plants and butterflies on the hill.
The hike will begin at the end of Ridgeview Court (up the hill and to the left as you approach the South San Francisco Elks Club).
Please note that although the hike covers a relatively short distance, the terrain is very steep, with loose gravel in areas. Attendees participating in the hike should wear sturdy shoes with good traction, and a hat for shade. Long pants and sleeves are recommended.

The area highlighted in yellow outlines the newly acquired Friends of Liberty Park; red outline is private property; blue outline is City of South San Francisco.
Sign Hill Park is 44.7 acres of undeveloped open space owned and maintained by the City of South San Francisco. The acquisition of Friends of Liberty Park brings the total acreage of protected open space to 65.6 acres. Two parcels (26.5 acres) on the north side of the hill remain privately owned.
Sign Hill Park includes five hiking trails and three trailheads located at the end of Poplar Avenue; end of Ridgeview Court; and the steps above Spruce Avenue at Diamond Avenue and Telford Avenue. The park is also home to the famous “South San Francisco the Industrial City” sign that was installed in 1929, and placed on both the National Register of Historic Places and the California Register of Historical Resources in 1996.
Over 70 native plants have been documented on the site and it is one of only six places in the world where colonies of the endangered Mission Blue butterfly survive. It is rich in biodiversity, including rare native Franciscan grassland habitat. The City’s official flower, the native Iris longipetala, and the City’s official insect, the Mission Blue butterfly, both call this area home.
EDITORS NOTE: Preservation of the last two parcels currently owned by the Syme Estate (APN 102351030/ 102351020) continue to be the focus of San Bruno Mountain Watch and Friends of Sign Hill with the goal of City acquisition which would preserve all of Sign Hill for future generations. To join the efforts please CLICK HERE and/or contact South City residents/SBMW Boardmembers Del Schembari or Kamala Silva