South San Francisco, CA June 3, 2019
Please join us this Sunday, June 9th, for tasty food and brews at the South San Francisco Police Department’s K9 Unit’s Third Annual Dog Days of Summer Fundraiser at 47 Hills Brewing Company, 137 S. Linden Ave., in South City, from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. Tickets are $25 each and include a custom pint glass and a beer voucher. Proceeds benefit the SSFPD K9 Unit. Tickets can be purchased in advance by visiting 47 Hills Brewing Company, emailing Officer Finnegan at [email protected] or Corporal Devan at [email protected], or calling the SSFPD at 650.877.8900. Tickets are also available at the door. Now here’s a great cause for our own SSFPD K9s’ paws!
Hope to see you this Sunday!