South San Francisco, CA July 21, 2019 Submitted by Professor Marc Gottlieb
Learn about Real Estate.
Get a Real Estate license of your own. Very good incomes are possible (with some hard work, more discussion in RE Practice 110 below).
Real Estate Practice 110:
Featured class for career-oriented information, Learn some of what successful realty agents are legally expected to do (with some hard work) to earn their famous “super-sized” commissions. Plus, some good Career opportunities, how to get started earning money as quickly and successfully as possible. (Required and good preparation for Licensure.) Will meet 6:30p Wednesday evenings. Course Reference Number (CRN) to sign up is 82873.
Real Estate Principles 100:
Learn some of the most important legal principles about Real Estate. (Required and good preparation for license). Will meet 6:30p Tuesday evenings. Course Reference Number (CRN) to sign up is 82868.
These are real, live, in-person classes where you can ask your questions. Professor has had thousands of successful graduates, is attorney/MBA with over 45 years teaching experience. CSM and these classes are FULLY ACCREDITED for both Licensure and California State University credits.
(Easy parking available and campus is right off the freeway.)
Signups are NOW
Do this:
- enroll at the college website, or
- just call the very nice Admissions Office folks on 650/574-6165 to Enroll in the course(s) of your choice, and……The staff will be very happy to assist you! Please have above course name(s) and CRN number(s) available and allow a few minutes for the nice staff to properly assist you, thanks.
Any questions about classes or licensure? ….. Email [email protected] and We’ll be happy to assist you.
CSM offers may additional classes including Business, Accountancy, Computers, English, Mathematics, Sciences, and many more. Ask!
CSM is a local, Not-for-profit, Public Community College (and has been a leader in California Real Estate education and career preparation for over half a century), All are welcome.
Thank you Kamala/ESC for the announcement!
The Real Estate Practice 110 class now has a few more seats open, in case anyone wishes to sign up and join us…
they are most Welcome to do so now (while space is still available)! (Info how to join us is in the above announcement.)