South San Francisco, CA October 5, 2019 by SSF Residents for Smart Growth
PUC Site — tell the City Council you OPPOSE the height and density, spread widely, please!

‘Sun Killers can NOT be allowed in our family residential neighborhoods. NO to high rises in Sunshine Gardens!
We sent out an email that the PUC Site developer, AGI/KASA, is trying to get support for their massive 8-story over 800 unit project at Chestnut/ECR/Old Mission Rd. abutting the Sunshine Garden Neighborhood.We need to contact the City Council that WE OPPOSE the height and density of the development.Here are some talking points:At past meetings, the developer has received much opposition to its project. You know that they are demanding 8 stories when our City Council told us in May of last year it would be no taller than 3 – 5 stories. And, the developer is insisting on over 800 units — with one parking space per unit.How many people have one car? Most have 2 or more.The traffic already is unbearable (not even calculating in the car wash development now).So, it’s tricky — just like reading the ballot — but, the developer is trying to get the residents (and those from other community housing organizations) to convince our City Council that this is what should be built.The developer’s plan is too massive and is not what should be built at the PUC Site. It should be no taller than 3 – 5 stories and much less density than 800 units. THINK ABOUT IT — 800 units times how many people per unit?In the past, the residents would come out in droves to city council meetings expressing their concerns, but that’s not happening. If you see the City Council meetings, or better yet, attend them, you hear at each meeting housing organizations saying “we need this big development”, but they don’t live here.The City Manager in the May 2018 meeting where the Council voted on 3 – 5 stories said the community would have a say about density and height. If you attended any of the outreach meetings by the developer, they talked at us, not listening to the residents — and they herded us to tables where we couldn’t hear each other’s opinion or point of view.So, please spread the word, put it on your Facebook page, tell your neighbors and other residents you come into contact THAT WE OPPOSE ANYTHING TALLER THAN 3 – 5 STORIES AND IT MUST BE MUCH LESS DENSITY. Encourage others to attend meetings and speak under public comment, and they need to email the Council and/or telephone and leave a message with the clerks.
***The PUC Site developer, AGI Kasa, is urging residents, and others who do not live in South San Francisco, to send letters of SUPPORT for their massive project of over 800 units and eight (8) stories at the PUC site that will forever change our community leaving us with massive traffic congestion, gridlock and a loss of our quality of life.It is important you write, call or email the City Council expressing our desires for 3 – 5 stories, as assured by our City Council last May, and limited density.This is AGI/Kasa’s posting on their website, and why are did they say they would WORK WITH RESIDENTS, yet not allowing resident voices to be heard? Why are they not following the direction of former Mayor Normandy? Who is running out City?THIS is the direction they are taking, in opposition to all who have come forward to express NO HIGH RISES in our Family Residential Neighborhoods!
“Thank you to everyone who have been sharing their ideas and feedback on our SSF PUC Housing project, and thank you to those who have already taken the time to submit a Letter of Support for our project.We’re thrilled to see all the interest in the project and are excited about the opportunity of creating a vibrant mixed-use development in South San Francisco’s El Camino Real/Chestnut Area that will provide much needed housing for all, as well as benefits to the community like affordable housing, childcare, new parks and open space and a Market Hall and plaza.With Planning Commission and City Council hearings ahead, we still need all of your support to make this vision a reality! Please take the time to sign and submit a Letter of Support to the City of South San Francisco Planning Commission ahead of our hearing to help show your support of our project to the Planning Commission.It only takes a few seconds, and it’s the one of the best ways to make the SSF PUC Housing development happen!”Do no wait for others to step up for our community. Let’s show them this is OUR CITY, and 3 to 5 stories with limited density is what they assured us, and what we will tolerate and nothing more.
To telephone: (650) 829-6601Mayor Karyl MatsumotoVice Mayor Richard GarbarinoCouncil Member Mark AddiegoCouncil Member Mark NagalesCouncil Member Flor NicholsYour Neighbors#slowtheroll #pausethepowers
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