How to Submit YOUR Tip

South San Francisco, CA  November 17, 2019

Everything South City was founded TEN Years ago this month as a way for neighbors to remain connected, feeding our small town vibe, while we watch our City grow bigger. We are extremely proud of our Community, both online and in RL – Real Life!

We strive to live our mission statement;

Local hookups by local folks,

Organically Grown, Not Corporate Owned

…..and we are extremely proud of the connections we share amongst us all.


Please follow the the guidelines below to ensure your ‘hookup’ reaches the widest audience possible, with our help!


1. ALL content/text info must be sent in a WORD doc or in the body of your email (no pdf) and include WHAT, WHEN WHERE, WHY and HOW and include TITLE HEADING


2. ALL photos / flyers must be sent in JPG (no pdf please)


3. Submit email to [email protected]


4. Add your information to our FREE FOR ALL FRIDAY Facebook post that we put out around 7:30AM EVERY Friday, we ask our neighbors to: Promote their business, Invite us to their events, Share what is on their mind. We often will capture that info and share on our website, thereby increasing your audience, and having your resources archived.


5. Letters to Editor are encouraged to use their proper name, however we will share anonymous posts, as we can.


6. Entries will be shared on our social media platforms and included in our weekly digest. If you are sharing an event, we will keep that in our weekly digest up through your event date. 


7. We reserve the right to edit as needed, (brevity, clarity), yet 99% of the time we will copy/paste what we receive.


8. If you are interested in advertising opportunities, please CLICK HERE for more information and/or reach out to us by email CLICK HERE


9. While this is our labor of love, donations are greatly appreciated, as they help us defray some of the costs associated with Everything South City.


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