Potential Rebates for SSF with Earthquake Brace + Bolt

South San Francisco, CA   February 8, 2020

NOTE: Last year we presented some information on bracing our homes for earthquake security, and due to the interest, we said we’d put out more information when the next rebated program offered by Earthquake Brace + Bolt. This was just received, so please do check it out to see if it might be a benefit to you, or others you know. We make no claim on this, as always we are only sharing information. Buyer always beware!


Established by the California Residential Mitigation Program (CRMP)

CRMP is a joint powers authority created by the California Earthquake Authority and the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services. CRMP was established to carry out mitigation programs to assist California homeowners who wish to seismically retrofit their houses. Our goal is to provide grants and other types of assistance and incentives for these mitigation efforts and EBB is the first of these programs.


Online registration for EBB opens Wednesday, February 19 and will be open through March 19, 2020. Earthquake Brace + Bolt provides up to $3,000 toward a seismic retrofit of qualifying homes. Click here to see if your house is in an eligible ZIP Code.
For your convenience, we made the questions you will be asked during registration available now for your review.
At any time, you can review videos and pictures of EBB retrofits and get answers to frequently asked questions on the EBB website.
Beginning February 19, 2020, go to www.EarthquakeBraceBolt.com to register. Look for the blue Register button on the upper right side of the website.
If you have questions, please contact EBB Customer Service at 877-232-4300 or [email protected].
The EBB Team
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