Letter to Editor: Linden Avenue Traffic Calming Explained

South San Francisco, CA  June 24, 2020 by Eunejune Kim, Director of Public Works, City of South San Francisco

Dear Editor


I write to provide additional information about the proposing the Linden Avenue Traffic Calming project. The intent of the project is to promote and encourage multimodal transportation alternatives, which will allow for slowing of traffic to increase safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles. While there are existing curb ramps at the project intersections, they do not meet the current Americans with Disabilities (ADA) standards, and thus need to be modified to maximize disabled access. Here’s a bit of background on the project and financing.


The Linden Avenue Traffic Calming project is identified as a priority in the City’s Pedestrian Master Plan, which was developed through multiple community workshops, stakeholders and our Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC). The plan was ultimately presented at a neighborhood meeting in February 2018 and included community feedback before it was finalized.


The work itself involves painting high-visibility crosswalks at the corners of Linden Avenue and Pine Avenue, and Linden Avenue and Aspen Avenue, along with adding state approved “green” color “sharrows” on the roadway and signage to increase awareness of the mixed-use bicycle and vehicle lanes. At these same two intersections the City will install new curb extensions/bulb-outs which meet ADA standards to assist those in wheelchairs or who are otherwise mobility challenged navigate these intersections. One parking spot will be lost as a result of this project. The work can start in July, 2020, and finish in October, 2020. Additionally, the intersection of Linden and Lux will be converted from a 2- way stop to a 4-way stop intersection for safety with Phase 2 in 2021.


The budget for this project includes grant funds from an outside agency specifically for this project and which cannot be legally used elsewhere. The City has received $400,000 of Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3 funding, and $80,000 in San Mateo Transit Authority Measure A funds. These funds are dedicated to promoting bicycle and pedestrian improvement projects specifically, and can only be used for bicycle and pedestrian projects. All project applications were reviewed by the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee of the City/County Association of Governments of San Mateo County (C/CAG), and this project scored high enough to gain funding approved by the C/CAG Board of Directors.


The project has been on the City’s Master Plan for a long time and is a needed improvement for the Old Town community in downtown South San Francisco. There are certainly other intersections which need improvements in South San Francisco, but this project is specifically designed and funded to improve mobility safety in the Old Town community.


Eunejune Kim

Director of Public Works

City of South San Francisco



Letter to Editor June 21, 2020 by SSF resident Daniel Perez on this subject CLICK HERE

Original City staff report on this project CLICK HERE

This item goes before City Council this evening June 24th at 6:30-7:00p as part of a Special City Council meeting.


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3 years ago

The Linden Avenue Traffic Calming project sounds like a somewhat good idea, but what about all the added vehicular traffic that will be created when all the residential projects are completed. The city “leaders” either did not take any of that into account or just didn’t care (possibly the real reason?) when they approved all these unwanted residential projects.

Daniel P
Daniel P
3 years ago

Per your letter, this proposal will “promote and encourage multimodal transportation alternatives, which will allow for slowing of traffic to increase safety for pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicles.” How would calming of traffic help the swift and safe movement of motorists and bicyclists with proposed changes? It will only cause bicyclists to have to swerve. The existing handicap access ramps are typical in SSF. Would they all be changed to meet current standards? What are the current standards that pose a danger at the moment?

The only urgent need is for a Stop sign at Lux. There have been many accidents and too many close calls. Where has the City been for years in addressing the safety of Lux/Linden? This is urgent and yet, a calming plan has taken precedence at a Special meeting, with stop sign not being planned until 2021 !!! Where is the common sense? A cosmetic plan taking precedence over every day hazardous situation at Lux/Linden. This plan might be a City Council/City Manager master plan in terms of mobility issue that has not been justified in letter, however, accident and near accidents are a justification for priority in a Stop sign.

There is a bicycle and pedestrian hazardous situation at Lux/Linden. Your letter mentions funds may only be used for pedestrian/bicyclists improvements, but what about dangerous intersections? I think any reasonable person would put SAFETY FIRST before improvements.

Residents did not receive notification of community meeting in Feb 2018. Who was present at this meeting and where was it held?
I became aware that Parking Commissioners weren’t notified nor had knowledge of this calming project. How disrespectful to leave Parking/Traffic Commissioners out of the loop!

I am still against this so called improvement project even though it was in Master Plan that citizens had no idea about.

There needs to be better communication from City with residents. Have town hall meetings, be transparent when submitting applications to C/CAG (which are behind doors), let community know what city has in mind for use of Measure A funds and set priorities with general fund monies.

The $490,000 could provide a youth center that we had asked for years ago instead of parking garage. There is a dire need for daycare facilities with long waiting lists. Youth needs recreational summer programs, teens need summer jobs, and Old Town needs to be cleaned up!

mel perry
mel perry
3 years ago

all well and good, BUT have had samtrans
drive one of their regular busses through
the planned intersection of grand/linden going in the direction of san bruno?