Thank you Jim. Caltrain is the future of the Peninsula and its plan to offer 8 rush hour trains, each way, by 2040 will revolutionize traffic patterns in the area, make the train system more equitable, and help reduce our impacts on the environment. I will be happy to recommend your hotel to my out-of-town guests.
mel perry
3 years ago
well, at least i agree with the concept
HOWEVER, I DO NOT approve of turning
caltrain into another politically correct
bart/muni shit hole, all you have to do
is look at those systems, to see the
future, under this social experiment
Thank you Jim. Caltrain is the future of the Peninsula and its plan to offer 8 rush hour trains, each way, by 2040 will revolutionize traffic patterns in the area, make the train system more equitable, and help reduce our impacts on the environment. I will be happy to recommend your hotel to my out-of-town guests.
well, at least i agree with the concept
HOWEVER, I DO NOT approve of turning
caltrain into another politically correct
bart/muni shit hole, all you have to do
is look at those systems, to see the
future, under this social experiment