SSFPD Media Alert: Confidence Scam Occurred on the 100 Block of Escanyo Dr

South San Francisco, CA   November 26, 2020 Submitted by SSFPD

On Wednesday, October 14th at approximately 2:00 p.m., an elderly South San Francisco resident was approached by an unknown male. The suspect convinced the victim to pick up another male. The suspects told the victim they would be giving him money that he just inherited from a relative in South Africa but needed to find trustworthy people. Both suspects convinced the victim to withdraw money from his bank account so they could gain his trust. Once the victim gave the suspect the money the suspects fled the scene.


When the victim realized what had occurred, he responded to the South San Francisco Police Department to report the incident.


Suspect #1 is described as a dark-skinned Indian male, approximately 60 years of age, 5’8″, 150 pounds. Suspect #2 is described as a light brown-skinned Hispanic male, approximately 50 years of age, 5’4″, 150 pounds.


Please contact the South San Francisco Police Department if you have information regarding this investigation.


Citizens are reminded to take care when contacting individuals that are unknown to them and never provide personal information or cash to anyone.


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