South San Francisco, CA December 3, 2020
The holidays often bring about extra stuff that we tend to toss in our garbage cans yet many items can be recycled, and many gifts can be considered that do not require all the excessive packaging. Our South San Francisco Scavenger offers regular tips on their social media and we have a scoop of great ideas to share. If you have other tips, please do tell!
First and foremost – how do the holidays impact your collection day? CLICK HERE to see the Holiday Schedule. Be sure not to overfill your bins – if you need a special pick up please call 650/589.4020 And CLICK HERE if you would like to contact SSF Scavenger Co. online.
*Putting up holiday lights? If you are looking to replace old strings with energy-efficient LEDs, this website might be for you!
Be sure to safely recycle old light strings. Do not put them in your recycling or garbage carts. Utilize a reputable drop-off or mail-in program.
*Give the gift of love – many of us have reduced income and we put extra stress on ourselves with holiday wish lists. Be creative and check out these ideas on the NOT-SHOPPING-LIST shared by the Scavengers. And for more ideas CLICK HERE

* Giving or getting an electronic gift? If it requires batteries, reduce waste by investing in rechargeables!
Recharageble batteries can be recycled along with other household batteries for no charge. Several convenient drop-off locations exist. Use the search engine at to find one near you
Residents of single-family homes in our service area can recycle household batteries curbside. Put in a clear, zip-top bag and place on top of the closed lid of your garbage cart on collection day. Please put clear tape over the terminals of all 9 volt and lithium batteries.
*Deep frying a turkey? Don’t ruin your pipes with the leftover oil! Let it cool, pour into one-gallon jugs, and bring to Blue Line Transfer for recycling. Fees apply and there is a 10-gallon limit. Small amounts of solidified fat, oil and grease can be cooled and scrapped into your green organics cart. Keep it clean by scraping it into a paper dairy carton or wrapping in a newspaper or a paper towel first. #trashtalk #keepitclean #foodwastegivesusgas
*Invite your Organics cart to this year’s holiday feast!
Your green cart is hungry for corn cobs, soggy yams, and potato peels. It craves turkey bones and dried-out stuffing too!
Don’t have a green cart? If you have a garbage account with us, we’d be happy to add organics collection to your service. Call us today at 650.589.4020.

Turkey Pozole Verde

Mouthwatering Turkey With Glass Noodles
And an EXCITING update!
The enhancement project at Blue Line Transfer is moving right along! Though the date of expected completion has been moved into January, progress is obvious and exciting. The photo below was taken on December 1st and shows the recently improved sort line for fibers (paper). Our SSF Scavenger Company will have video to share when the project is complete!
For more information about your garbage and recycling needs, including special pick ups, please check out the South San Francisco Scavenger Company website