South San Francisco, CA January 5, 2021 from SSF Neighbor
On Monday, 1/4/2021, around noon, we found a brown dobermann and a gray/white husky around the intersection of Avalon Dr. and Valverde Dr. in South San Francisco. They were loose in traffic and they were getting too close to Junipero Serra Blvd near the 280 exit. Since they were both very friendly were we able to get them into our car while we asked people walking by if they recognized the dogs. Unfortunately, nobody did. So we drove them to the Peninsula Humane Society.
The Peninsula Humane Society allows 4 days for owners to claim lost pets. After 4 days the dogs will be medically and behaviorally evaluated. If they pass, they will put up for adoption and if they don’t pass, well…(Phone#.340 7022)
I really hope this post finds the owners and the pups are brought back home! Please spread the news! Both dogs seem really sweet and they also seem to know each other since they spent most of the ride licking the other’s face!

*Can’t believe no collars. Probably abandoned. Sad. – Julie
Can’t believe no collars. Probably abandoned. Sad.
Can’t believe no collars. Probably abandoned. Sad.