Essential Political Campaigning Tips for Candidates With Disabilities; by Guest Contributor Kelli Brewer

South San Francisco, CA  February 14, 2021 by Kelli Brewer,



Perhaps you’ve always dreamed about running for office and serving your community by working within your local government. If you have a disability, you might be hesitant to throw your hat into the ring. After all, running a campaign is hard enough, and you know that you might face challenges that able-bodied candidates don’t have to worry about. But with the right strategy, you can make a great impression on voters and celebrate a win on election day. Check out these essential tips from Everything South City to start preparing for your political campaign!


Hire the Perfect Team


A lot of work goes into running a successful campaign, but you don’t have to handle it all on your own! Hiring a team of experienced people to take on these different responsibilities is the first step to launching your campaign.


For instance, you’ll need someone in charge of fundraising efforts, a social media manager to build your virtual presence, a website designer to establish a professional campaign website where voters can find vital information about your candidacy, and an email marketing professional to send out updates and announcements. No matter your needs, you can find plenty of freelance specialists on online job boards.


Determine Your Platform


If you want to win your election, you’ll need a platform that truly speaks to your constituents. Sit down with your team to decide which policy proposals you should highlight in your platform. Make sure to work out the finer points of the programs you would want to implement if you were in office because you want to ensure that people can vote for you with the confidence that they know exactly what you’re all about!


Get Your Message Out


Once you’ve finalized your platform, it’s time to get your message out there! In addition to your campaign website, you’ll also need to establish accounts on popular social media platforms.

Sometimes, you may want to personally post and engage with voters online, but just remember to keep it positive and don’t start debates over negative comments! You may also want to seek endorsements from local organizations that advocate on behalf of people with disabilities. They can promote your candidacy on their own social media channels, which will bring you even more good publicity.


In addition to your regular social media posts, you’ll also want to invest in campaign advertisements. Chron recommends thinking about how you can emotionally appeal to voters through your ads, since ads like this are more likely to leave a lasting impression. You should also consider how you can target your advertisements so that they reach the right demographics. While you may want to broadcast your ads on local television statements, it’s also important to advertise through the mail, since older voters find hard-copy ads to be more trustworthy.


Meet Your Constituents


Once you’ve worked out a platform that will resonate with voters and started making efforts to promote your message online, you can begin planning events at accessible venues. Having the opportunity to meet voters and connect with them in person can help you gain a better understanding of what expectations they will have for you as an elected official. Typsy recommends looking for a venue that will be easy for people with mobility aids to navigate. The venue should also have plenty of designated parking spaces for people with disabilities. Don’t hesitate to ask event staff for assistance whenever necessary!


Although candidates with disabilities may have to overcome certain obstacles while campaigning, anyone with the right message and strategy can win a political seat. If you’re frustrated by political progress in your area, you don’t have to sit back and wait for someone else to step up to change things for the better. You can take the reins and make a positive impact.



About Kelli Brewer

Kelli Brewer is proud of her military family and is passionate in supporting military families. Together with her husband, they created DeployCare to offer understanding and support to our service members and their families before, during, and after deployments


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