South San Francisco, CA February 21, 2021 Submitted by Sharon Ranals, Assistant City Manager
There is an item that may be of interest to residents on the agenda for the “Special City Council Meeting” on Wednesday, February 24, at 6:00 pm. Please note that this is a Study Session item, so no action will be taken, however, City Council direction may be given. The owner of a large parcel at 701 Spruce is proposing to subdivide and develop the lot, and to realign a section of the trail that leads from Spruce Avenue up to Sign Hill Park. Two preliminary trail alignment options have been proposed by the owner, and staff is seeking public and City Council input about the trail options.
Meeting details are included at the bottom –
neither option is any better than the
present trail, i’d be more worried about
what is going to be done to the hill side
to accomodate the proposed subdividing and stabilzation, you can’t
undo screw ups to mother nature