PORCH THIEF Caught On Camera – Who is she?

Brazenly this woman crosses the driveway to steal packages from the porch, even though the residents were inside at the time. They had not had the chance to pick the packages up first! IF you recognize this woman – contact SSFPD please.

South San Francisco, CA  February 3, 2021


Porch thieves continue to move swiftly, and knowingly it seems, in South City and other locations. Today this woman calmly walked from the white van, in which she was the passenger, to a residence on Drake Avenue, and proceed to steal packages that were left for the occupants.


We also continue to hear reports of tools being stolen from work trucks in residential neighborhoods, causing more frustration.


South San Francisco Police Department have recently busted a theft operation and were able to return some tools to the legal owners, which is encouraging.


Have you been the victim of a theft?


What was your experience – were you able to find out who stole your items, were you able to get anything back?


Please be sure to continue to look out for each other’s homes and properties. And if you see something that just doesn’t seem right, trust your gut and call the Police. Remember – See  Something, Say Something.


If you have any information on this porch theft from Drake Avenue earlier today, from these photos, please contact SSFPD at (650) 877-8900 or the Anonymous Tip Line at (650) 952-2244, or via e-mail at [email protected]


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4 years ago

Looks like a med sized dog on the floor in the passenger floot