SSFPD Media Release: Burglary Case Solved

South San Francisco, CA   February 1, 2021 by SSFPD

Between 01/27/2021 and 01/28/2021, two suspects burglarized multiple storage trailers containing computers, tablets and power tools, at two construction sites on the 600 block of Forbes Boulevard and the 400 block of Eccles.


Detectives with the South San Francisco Police Department’s Criminal Investigations Bureau were able to quickly identify the suspects. The following day Detectives detained the suspects and served a search warrant at their residence in San Francisco. Detectives recovered a large portion of the stolen property at the residence, and were able return it to the owners.


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Carolyn Lundquist
4 years ago

How do you get a.message out to public.
If you have had something stollen from you I had a rickshaw taken from my home .thank you Carolyn Carolyn Lundquist

mel perry
mel perry
4 years ago

seems like SSF and San Bruno have
become happy hunting grounds for
out of town theives?, maybe an
increase in staff is in order? as well
as a more agressive approach to
“gut feelings”?