GAME ON! Win Cioppino Dinner for Two – thanks to Dominic’s Cater Outs!

South San Francisco, CA  March 19, 2021


What are some of the highlights of your past year, what things went well for you?


Everything South City is excited to offer this GAME ON Contest!

TWO winners randomly chosen and announced Wednesday March 24th at 6pm

Winners to receive TWO FULL DINNERS,  compliments from DOMINIC’S!

MUST BE ABLE TO PICK UP ON FRIDAY MARCH 26th between 2-6pm at 121 South Maple Ave, SSF!!

One entry per person, comment below or email [email protected] – MUST be able to pick up!


Dinner includes SALAD, CIOPPINO filled with crab legs, scallops, clams and prawns, sourdough french bread, and salad.

And Strawberry Tiramisu for dessert!

For those who are interested in ordering directly – please see the flyer below – ordering deadline is Wed 5pm;




COMMENTS via website

**What are some of the highlights of your past year, what things went good for you?”
Got married Nov 2020 and had an excuse to make it a small gathering in the backyard, so we used our budget to paint the house! Really — it was perfect, mask and distance safe, gave something to look forward to all during COVID-19 and there was even a wedding donkey.

-Adele Rios


**The best part of the past year was working from home and spending time with my kids while they did remote learning. I also enjoyed starting a small garden of edible greens in my backyard Pandemic Haiku:

Staying home all year
Working and learning at home
Grateful for our health

-Karen Wilsey


**Started a fantastic new job counseling special Ed adolescents.

Dean Paquette


**In the last year my brother got married and my sister had her second baby!



** I gave birth to a wonderful baby boy!

– Sarah


**The highlight of my year was the birth of my daughter Emersyn Reign, February 25th 2020. My girlfriend was hospitalized for two weeks before being induced and giving birth to our daughter 6 weeks early. After a short stay in the NICU she was able to come home with us right before the shelter in place order began. 3 weeks after being home I got Covid-19 and had to quarantine, that was rough to say the least but survived it without getting my baby or girlfriend sick. Thank god.



** My husband had his second successful heart surgery in February. At this time they were allowing visitors to see patients and loved ones. I was able to stay and sleep in the hospital with him. I don’t know what I would have done if I could not visit for the 10 days that he was admitted. Feeling blessed.

-Karen Porter


**I was able to graduate from SFSU with a degree in broadcasting after overcoming mental health issues that were holding me back.

-Priscilla C

**Friends and family that were ill with COVID all survived. That is the biggest blessing in my life. Not just 2020.



**Had my first Grandchild in 2019 but in 2020 the fun really began. My wife and I started taking care of our granddaugther in early 2020. After having 3 sons, all grown up now, was a total different experience taking care of a little baby girl. Covid-19 kept us home for most of 2020, but in reality we didn’t mind as our granddaughter made us forget that there was actually a pandemic out there.

-Will Valle


**I didn’t get sick from covid worked with elderly as a caregiver

-Chas Carantes


**Under the circumstances being a single mother was a kid with disabilities I managed to survive and keep myself and my son healthy And alive while still working full-time I’m an essential worker. Also by the grace of God I was able to achieve an award for doing such a great job last year and a bonus so that being said I feel really really blessed and I have got to thank for that. For me that’s a big deal.
-Celia Solorio


**Highlights: after living independently my 90-YO mother has returned to SSF and now living with me – best part is I get to enjoy dinner with her every evening!

-Cecile Riborozo


**We had several wonderful highlights over the past year.

Our daughter and son-in-law blessed us with our first, grandchild, Lauren Gianna. She has been a bright light in our lives during the past year of the Covid-19 pandemic and sheltering at home. On a sad note, my father passed away at the age of 96. It was a shock to us as he was healthy. His last day with us was spent adoring his great-granddaughter.

Then, when we hoped for some news to pick up our spirits, our son and daughter-in-law blessed us with a grandson, Sandro Guido. He is also special, as he has my father’s name as his middle name. My son wanted to carry on my father’s name. Now our grandson and I share the same middle name.

So, in the shadow of the pandemic, we have 2 beacons of light with our grandchildren.

-Michael Ghiglieri


** I feel blessed to have worked during the pandemic. My job allowed us to work on site and stay socially distant. Feeling lucky not to have caught this deadly virus.

-Brett P



COMMENTS via emails:

**Hello, thanks for offering this contest.
For the question “What are some of the highlights of your past year, what things went good for you?“, here is my experience:
I have been fortunate to spend a lot of quality time with my partner, and explore more of the wonderful outdoor hiking spots in the Bay Area. I was also very fortunate to secure a new job after an untimely layoff, and would love to celebrate with this generous dinner you’re offering!
– Jing F.

** Something that went good for me this past year…
My husband is a hard worker and works long hours. He is never home for dinner and didn’t get to spend much time with our children. Because of the pandemic and his hours being majorly decreased at work, he has been able to spend time with us more as a family. He is helping the kids with their distance learning and taking them for walks, bike rides and to the beach.Something definitely to be thankful for during the pandemic!
– Jeannine Solis

**Hello!As crazy as 2020 was with the pandemic, my husband and I were blessed amongst all the craziness.

After years of trying to get pregnant, then making the tough decision to stop, and putting it behind us, we found out last year in October that we are pregnant.

We are expecting a little boy this June and our beyond excited! We can’t wait to meet our little blessing.

Thank you,

-Karla Ferrufino-Simon


**Highlight this past year was finishing our remodel of our house which took 10 months to do! We started as a 3 bdrm/1.5 bath house and now have a 5 bedroom/2.5 bath house!

– Michelle Wong

**Some of the things that went good for me last year was being able to work from home until I quit my job in October to focus on running my own business full time. Also spending quality time with my baby nephew, trying out a bunch of new recipes, finding new hobbies, and thinking of new ways to spend time with extended family while being quarantined at our own homes.

-Jennifer Caton

**It was wonderful to hear the sound of silence once again away from the usual hustle and bustle of a busy competitive world. We were given the opportunity to appreciate the beauty of our surroundings and the goodness of creation. Life is good once again!

-Edda Policar

**Good Afternoon Everything South City!

Thank you for hosting this amazing contest.

My highlight this past year was and still is all the amazing quality time I have been spending with my nieces and nephews. My brother and sister are both essential front line workers and are not able to stay home with their kids. I am fortunate enough to be able to work from home due to the pandemic and have taken them all in for the past year to maintain our social bubble and help flatten the curve.

It’s a full house of seven kids ages 4-14 but there is never a dull moment. I’ve learned so much about each of them and can’t stop telling them how much I love them every day.

These family memories we’ve created have been priceless.

-Barbara Yim

COMMENTS via social media

**“What are some of the highlights of your past year, what things went good for you?” Got married Nov 2020 and had an excuse to make it a small gathering in the backyard, so we used our budget to paint the house! Really — it was perfect, mask and distance safe, gave something to look forward to all during COVID-19 and there was even a wedding donkey.

Adele Escoto

**A highlight this year is my job and company are both thriving and how blessed that is in this current climate. Also the family have all remained Covid free and heathy through the year! 

– Mark Wills

**Good things this past year were having a job through the pandemic and my son’s wedding. It was a beautiful day in Moraga. Sadly, though, my mother went and joined my father in heaven. Even though it was sad, and still is, her funeral mass was a lovely warm winter day in Pacifica. My family is grateful to have had them for as long as we did.

Donna Moore Fentanes

**I am so lucky that I got to keep my job through all of this, and I helped rescue a tiny feral kitten, who is now the love of my life!

Karen Davenport

**One of the highlights of 2020 for me was the news that my Grandson, Justin, was awarded a baseball scholarship to UC Irvine. Thrilled that he will be getting a wonderful education while pursuing his dreams!!
Jan Easterday

**Managing to pull off two fundraisers for the Historical Society of SSF in the middle of a pandemic. Our Plymire Schwarz House and our Museum on Chestnut had to close but the ongoing expenses had to be paid. We did the fundraisers safely and still had fun!
Jo Zemke

**The highlight of this past year is my quarantine dog kona. She brought us such joy after having to put down our dog of 10 years.
Laura Walsh

**two highlights from the past year that went good for me are adopting my dog, Spottie and passing my permit test to drive
Kelly Adams

**Being able to work from home and hear the murmurs of my adult child participating in meetings; it’s like working with her  Trying new things like learning how to cut my bangs and using Zoom to keep in touch with friends.
Rose Chang Chiu

**Spending more time with my family. Even though it was hard to stay home, it was really nice to reconnect and not be rushing everywhere all the time.
Victoria Lau

**A highlight was that my house on Mountain Road accidentally got caught fire, BUT it’s currently leading to my mom and dad’s DREAM RENOVATION! And our cat, Khaleesi is so blessed to have survived
Carmela Jasmin Sison

**My highlight… Spending more time caring for my aging mom instead of living in assisted care home. The memories with my kids and her are priceless.
Janice Zowasky

**Getting my shots of covid vaccine as a frontliner and a care giver was some of the things that’s been good this year even as my husband lost his job last November. Keep safe everyone!
Milagros Soledad

**My good things: continued good health, a roof over my head, a job where I can work from home, ability to help others less fortunate.
-Moira Wilmes


**I worked through the pandemic. I tested, Negative. And I got the Vaccine!! What a Blessing

-Christopher Archuleta (IG)

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Celia Solorio
Celia Solorio
4 years ago

Under the circumstances being a single mother was a kid with disabilities I managed to survive and keep myself and my son healthy And alive while still working full-time I’m an essential worker. Also by the grace of God I was able to achieve an award for doing such a great job last year and a bonus so that being said I feel really really blessed and I have got to thank for that. For me that’s a big deal.

Cecile Riborozo
Cecile Riborozo
4 years ago

Highlights: after living independently my 90-YO mother has returned to SSF and now living with me – best part is I get to enjoy dinner with her every evening!

Michael Ghiglieri
Michael Ghiglieri
4 years ago

We had several wonderful highlights over the past year.

Our daughter and son-in-law blessed us with our first, grandchild, Lauren Gianna. She has been a bright light in our lives during the past year of the Covid-19 pandemic and sheltering at home. On a sad note, my father passed away at the age of 96. It was a shock to us as he was healthy. His last day with us was spent adoring his great-granddaughter.

Then, when we hoped for some news to pick up our spirits, our son and daughter-in-law blessed us with a grandson, Sandro Guido. He is also special, as he has my father’s name as his middle name. My son wanted to carry on my father’s name. Now our grandson and I share the same middle name.

So, in the shadow of the pandemic, we have 2 beacons of light with our grandchildren.

Brett P
Brett P
4 years ago

I feel blessed to have worked during the pandemic. My job allowed us to work on site and stay socially distant. Feeling lucky not to have caught this deadly virus.
4 years ago

I didn’t get sick from covid worked with elderly as a caregiver

Will Valle
Will Valle
4 years ago

Had my first Grandchild in 2019 but in 2020 the fun really began. My wife and I started taking care of our granddaugther in early 2020. After having 3 sons, all grown up now, was a total different experience taking care of a little baby girl. Covid-19 kept us home for most of 2020, but in reality we didn’t mind as our granddaughter made us forget that there was actually a pandemic out there.

Priscilla C
Priscilla C
4 years ago

I was able to graduate from SFSU with a degree in broadcasting after overcoming mental health issues that were holding me back.

4 years ago

Friends and family that were ill with COVID all survived. That is the biggest blessing in my life. Not just 2020.

Karen Porter
Karen Porter
4 years ago

My husband had his second successful heart surgery in February. At this time they were allowing visitors to see patients and loved ones. I was able to stay and sleep in the hospital with him. I don’t know what I would have done if I could not visit for the 10 days that he was admitted. Feeling blessed.

4 years ago

The highlight of my year was the birth of my daughter Emersyn Reign, February 25th 2020. My girlfriend was hospitalized for two weeks before being induced and giving birth to our daughter 6 weeks early. After a short stay in the NICU she was able to come home with us right before the shelter in place order began. 3 weeks after being home I got Covid-19 and had to quarantine, that was rough to say the least but survived it without getting my baby or girlfriend sick. Thank god.

4 years ago

I gave birth to a wonderful baby boy!

Adele Rios
Adele Rios
4 years ago

“What are some of the highlights of your past year, what things went good for you?”
Got married Nov 2020 and had an excuse to make it a small gathering in the backyard, so we used our budget to paint the house! Really — it was perfect, mask and distance safe, gave something to look forward to all during COVID-19 and there was even a wedding donkey. 🙂

Karen Wilsey
Karen Wilsey
4 years ago

The best part of the past year was working from home and spending time with my kids while they did remote learning. I also enjoyed starting a small garden of edible greens in my backyard Pandemic Haiku:

Staying home all year
Working and learning at home
Grateful for our health 🙂

Dean Paquette
Dean Paquette
4 years ago

Started a fantastic new job counseling special Ed adolescents.

4 years ago

In the last year my brother got married and my sister had her second baby!