Getting Vaccinated is Rising in Love; by Guest Contributor Elizabeth Nisperos

South San Francisco, CA   March 5, 2021  by Elizabeth Nisperos, ESC Contributor


Spiderman in a theatre movie scene listens to his girlfriend Mary Jane sings, “They say that falling in love is wonderful, it’s wonderful so they say.” Theologically, love is not about falling but a decision, love makes people rise up a notch to be a better person. Getting vaccinated is an example of rising in love:  You protect yourself and your neighbors. Before March, even though I have a health provider, it was very difficult to get an appointment due to the limited supply.

On the last week of February, I received an email to sign-up for an appointment

On March 2, President Biden has announced there will be enough vaccines by the end of May for everyone

In TV news, Dr Fauci said both Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are “highly efficacious”.

George Plimpton, founder of literary journal Paris Review advised to write as a   ‘participatory journalist’, a writer engages and immerses oneself to an experience. So, here are the steps for my first dosage Covid vaccine experience in several steps. There’s nothing to fear about vaccines,

  1. Login to my medical account or a website to set up my appointment from my healthcare provider
  2. Received an email how what to bring and where to go:

Elizabeth has an appointment on 3/2/2021 at 12:45 PM for the first dose of a COVID-19 vaccine.

1200 El Camino Real, South San Francisco, CA 94080.

Enter at north entrance and turn right into Solar parking lot. Please park and walk to tent.


– Kaiser Permanente membership card and another photo I.D.

– A face covering/mask.

Please review vaccine information

Note: Vaccine supply remains limited. To ensure vaccine is available to those with appointments, we are not able to vaccinate anyone without an appointment.

If you feel ill, have a cough, fever, or cold symptoms in the last 14 days; reschedule your appointment 14 days after your illness. If you have been exposed to someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, reschedule your appointment in 2 weeks.

The COVID-19 vaccination shouldn’t be given within 14 days of receiving another type of vaccine, or within 90 days of receiving monoclonal antibody or convalescent plasma treatments. Please reschedule your COVID-19 vaccine appointment if either of these applies to you.

  1. Received a reminder one day before your appointment.
  2. Drove to Kaiser Medical Center at 1200 El Camino Real, South San Francisco,
  3. Greeters were around to direct you to parking space, I was given a form to fill it out. The form asks questions like allergic reactions.
  4. Stay in your car until 5 minutes before your appointment. For some people who didn’t fill up their form so there’s a table to fill in form. Sign: No videos or photo are allowed inside the tent to protect the privacy of individuals.
  5. I lined up with other folks until a spot was available to enter the white tent where the real action took place. The stations are numbered. Each station has a rolling cart with a computer and the vaccine is inside the plastic box. The vaccine vial looks small like an inch high. My station was number five, #5. The nurse had mask and gloves on. I didn’t ask what vaccine whether I’m getting Moderna or Pfizer . The nurse said, “Roll up your sleeve and which arm do you prefer?”.  I chose my left arm.
  6. After the injection, a staff member led me to a station to make an appointment for the second dosage. However, when I arrived at the table, the nurse said, “Your record of your dosage isn’t posted into the computer.” So a staff ran to station 5, where I got my first dosage and they tried to fix my record in the computer. It turned out my dosage wasn’t posted into my record. Since I needed to wait, one nurse said, “Please be patient while we’re fixing your record.” It was very important to post on your record what kind of vaccine was given to you in order you get the same vaccine for the second dosage. I got Moderna while a lady in station 1 said she got Pfizer.
  7. In another table, a staff member input in her computer my second appointment for the second dosage. She gave me a CDC record card and it stated to bring the card for the next appointment which is on March 30.
  8. I was advised to sit down for 15 minutes for observation before leaving the tent. The Kaiser staff was efficient in their routine and system. They have staff guiding you on what to do next.

Thanks to all the frontliners and medical staff around the world for doing their jobs.

I feel blessed Covid didn’t bother to attack me while waiting for vaccines.

Get your vaccines and follow CDC guidelines: wear a mask, 6 feet social distance, wash hands, because new variants are mutating. The vaccination process is nothing to fear of.  Getting vaccinated is rising in LOVE.

Note: Author participated in 2020 database research on physical, emotional, psychological reactions to the Covid pandemic.


About Elizabeth Nisperos:

Elizabeth is a former Commissioner on the South San Francisco Cultural Arts Commission, a regular participant of NaNoWriMo, and an accomplished author and caligrapher. She is a long-time resident of South San Francisco and continues to be a community leader. Elizabeth has been a regular contributor to Everything South City for many years.

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mel perry
mel perry
4 years ago

interesting, sutter health has been out
of vaccines for over a month, and can’t
get any, but yet kaiser and the county’s
favotites can, so much for fair &
equitable, apparently its whose pockets
that get lined, is what counts