South San Francisco, CA June 30, 2021
From the City of South San Francisco:
The risk of fire is no joke – City police will enforce the fireworks ban!

Don’t Be THAT Neighbor: Firework Rules & Restrictions
After a year off from professional Fourth of July celebrations due to the COVID-19 pandemic, holiday traditions big and small will return to California neighborhoods this year.
Fireworks go on sale in California on June 28, and nearly 300 communities allow “Safe and Sane” fireworks. The “Safe and Sane” seal indicates the firework is approved by authorities and legal to sell and use. It’s important for Californians to know the law and understand the hazards of fireworks before setting them off.
Fireworks can cause serious damage and injuries if they’re not used correctly. As California enters wildfire season, the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) reminds Californians to understand how flying sparks or embers can cause a fire.
Know the Law:
California has a zero-tolerance policy for selling and using illegal fireworks. It’s illegal to sell, transport, or use fireworks without the “Safe and Sane” seal. It’s also against the law to possess or use fireworks in a community where they’re not permitted.
Illegal fireworks include:
- Sky rockets
- Bottle rockets
- Roman candles
- Aerial shells
- Firecrackers
Other fireworks that explode, go into the air, or move on the ground in an uncontrollable manner are also illegal in the state.
Fireworks Safety Tips:
- Use only State Fire Marshal approved fireworks
- Always read directions
- Only use fireworks outdoors
- Never use fireworks near dry grass or other flammable materials
- Light one firework at a time
- Have a bucket of water and a hose nearby
Fireworks Injury Prevention Tips:
- Never place your body over a firework when lighting the fuse
- Stand several feet away from a lit firework
- Never point or throw fireworks at another person
- Never attempt to re-light fireworks
- Never carry fireworks in your pockets
Protect Your Pets:
While many people enjoy the loud booms and flashing lights of fireworks, it can be terrifying and overwhelming for animals. On the Fourth of July, many pets run when they hear the noises and get lost. There are a few things pet owners can do to help animals keep their cool:
- Keep all pets away from fireworks
- If possible, place them in a room with no windows and turn on a TV or music
- Ask your veterinarian for medications or techniques to help ease your pet’s fear
- Know the signs of heat exhaustion & heat stroke in your pets
- Make sure all pets have a collar and microchip
State Fire Marshal: Fireworks Program, 4th of July Safety
Cal Fire: Ready for Wildfire Fireworks Safety
ASPCA: Pets & Fireworks Safety
Police here in SSF is always seen patroling when its is nice and quiet, but just like today 4th of July where dangerous illegal fireworks are used everywhere specially along 9th Ln. & Linden Ave, you couldn’t fine a single officer to deal with those ignorant people who is just showing off. In this area fireworks is used in every occassion, party, sports event! When will the authorities take care of this violators???? It is a disaster waiting to happen!!!
Sorry,on my previous text I didn’t spell check , it’s not “pogo rat” it’s police oops went to edit but was to late for editing… sorry everyone
I have called the pogo rat least 6 yrs on a neighbor who blows off professional fireworks in their backyard but more likely in the National Cemetery because they can climb into the Cemetery and that is where we see them blowing up at , please, please someone contact me I have their address since I walked right up to the house and see it , not only do they do it on the 4 th but during any wins of our sports teams… feed up!!
I am hard of hearing and when I go to bed I take out my hearing aids. If I wake up to the pounding of the fireworks and the lights shining through my blackout curtains- they are too close to my home and not the safest place to do them.
I would hate to see houses burn down from fireworks. We don’t need that added to our stressors and crisis to our daily lives.
This is becoming more serious and dangerous! Can we please do something about it.
Can we talk to south city police department to tighten the fire works!!!!
What happens to the individuals that get caught, or arrested? Is it just a fine and be sent on their way?